As a function of the Social Media Club, Chris Heuer and I were recently discussing Social Media Press Releases with a reporter at a PR trade magazine when we realized just how many people have yet to even learn about the fundamentals of social media. For example, as we were defining the building blocks of an SMR (social media release), Chris stopped and asked the interviewer if she knew what a “tag” was. That was a great question, it turns…
PodCampWest Unites Podcasters, Video Bloggers, Bloggers in San Francisco
The first Podcamp on the West coast will be held in San Francisco on November 18-19, 2006 at the historic Swedish American Hall. Inspired by PodCamp Boston, PodCampWest San Francisco will connect individuals, businesses and institutions interested in new media. Podcamp San Francisco is an UnConference in the tradition of BarCamp. PodCampWest is free to attend for the community. The event will attract influential Bloggers, Audio and Video Podcasting pioneers, content creators and distributors, mainstream media, enthusiasts, businesses, hobbyists, musicians,…
Web 2.0 “Bubble Free” Bar Crawl in San Francisco on Nov. 10th.
My good friend Greg Narain and I are hosting a “network free” and “bubble free” bar crawl in San Francisco on 11/10. The Crawl will take place on November 10th, 2006 at 6pm. Here are the details: The Bubble-Free Bar Crawl is a celebration of our sacrifice. This event is for everyone toiling late at night to launch their own startup and take a piece of the pie. Most importantly, it’s a time for you to bring all those who…
The Evolution of Social Media Press Releases – NMR Cast #9
Chris Heuer, Shel Holtz, and I recorded the latest edition of the New Media Release NMRCast for Shel’s award-winning For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast. The New Media Release Podcast, episode 9 can be downloaded here, heard directly from the FIR page, or subscribed to via the NMRCast feed. Also, the Apple iTunes subscription is now available here or by searching for NMRCast at the Apple iTunes store under “podcasts.” If you subscribe to the FIR “everything” feed, however, this podcast…
From Social Media 2 Corporate Media – Part I
I ran this post over at Social Media Club and felt it relevant to share with you here as well. I’ve also added a few additional pieces to keep it fresh and interesting for those who may follow both blogs. It’s easy to get caught up in the rapidly evolving world of social media and sometimes I have to stop and remember that there’s a whole other world out there that thinks social media is a group of friendly journalists….
Social Media Club Makes TechCrunch re: Our Initiative on Blogging Ethics
Tonight we’re hosting a roundtable entitled, “Talking About Disclosure” to discuss honesty, ethics, and disclosure – the things that will serve as a solid foundation for blogs as well as helping to escalate credibility in the blogosphere, among consumers, and among traditional journalists. The event even made TechCrunch today. Thanks Mike! Arrington (along with many other important bloggers) have been both in the spotlight and the hotseat in regards to blog posts and how, why, and when to disclose business…
WebGuild Annual Conference – Ram Schriram Keynote
It was billed as an alternative to O’Reilly’s upcoming Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco. Was it? No. Was it related to Web 2.0? Not really. Was it still useful? Yes. Bambi Francisco and Roland Vogl, Esg. For a “Web 2.0” event however, it had a completely different group than I’m used to seeing. It seemed to mash veteran Silicon Valley professionals with up-and-coming Web 2.0 entrepreneurs. But, that’s OK. It was still, for all intensive purposes, a valuable event;…
October 2006 SF Beta Web 2.0 Mixer
Photo Credit: Beau Liening Grab a bottle of bubbles at your local Longs or RiteAid, get outside and commence blowing. Try to make one very big bubble, gander, marvel at its size, call all of your friends to see it, and then, pop. Pop? That’s so 1.0. Now, do it again…but, be careful…don’t let this one pop. Instead of filling it with air, try injecting a bit of hope and enthusiasm into each blow. Nice work….I can see the beginnings…
New Topic Idea for Web2point2
Since Chris Heuer, host and event organizer of 2point2, has requested that participants write blog posts to facilitate topics for the board to consider as topics for the Main Talks or the “How To” sessions, I thought I’d keep the ideas flowing. I’d like to see a discussion of new opportunities for Tags outside of Technorati. Greg Narain of BlueWhale Labs and Social Roots and I were speaking about the idea of Tag Beacons recently during the Webguild Web 2.0…
Web 2point2 – The Point is Still People
O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 conference will be in town and it will completely fly over the heads of those who are truly behind the new web and the real source behind the percolating enthusiasm in the Valley. Chris Heuer saw the opportunity to create an annual event specifically for those people who are already looking beyond “web 2.0.” Based on last year’s successful Web 2.1 “un conference,” this year’s Web 2.2 event will be held on November 9th and 10th in…