Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

PodCampWest Unites Podcasters, Video Bloggers, Bloggers in San Francisco

The first Podcamp on the West coast will be held in San Francisco on November 18-19, 2006 at the historic Swedish American Hall. Inspired by PodCamp Boston, PodCampWest San Francisco will connect individuals, businesses and institutions interested in new media.

Podcamp San Francisco is an UnConference in the tradition of BarCamp. PodCampWest is free to attend for the community.

The event will attract influential Bloggers, Audio and Video Podcasting pioneers, content creators and distributors, mainstream media, enthusiasts, businesses, hobbyists, musicians, marketers, PR pros, and people who generally want to understand more about the new media space.

“The power of an UnConference is that attendees get direct access to ideas, thoughts, best practices, and the wisdom of real experts simply by attending and participating at no cost,” said Vic Podcaster, the event organizer and podcasting evangelist. “With the advertising landscape shifting to new formats such as podcasts, social networks, and blogs, it is already having a significant impact on traditional media, marketing outlets and the entertainment industry. And, the new media market will only continue to grow.”

Visionaries, leaders, and celebrities from the world of new media will be in attendance, placing them in an approachable environment for those who want to learn and share ideas. Dave Winer is the first guest speaker to be announced, with others to be announced shortly.

Sessions spread over two days will focus on planning for content, content creation, content publishing and subscription models, production quality, tools, recording techniques, video composition, editing skills, audio & video post production techniques. Also included are sessions on Monetization of New Media formats, Podcasting and Video Blogging and impact of new media on business, Directly communicating with customers in Web 2.0 world, New Media marketing and public relations. The sessions are held in the format of a conversation with the people in the room participating actively.

Click here to register.

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