I recently presented at Microstrategy’s iCommerce Summit in Amsterdam on the importance of looking inside to improve how to engage on the outside. Following the event, I was invited to join Peter Gentsch of Big, Michael Buck of Dell, and Andreas Bock of Telekom. The conversation explored the importance of rethinking how businesses approach social media. Rather than driving social media strategies based on just clever ideas, campaigns, soft KPIs, and intangible results, I shared the importance of focusing on…
The New Social Producers
Miles Fisher may not be a household name, but chances are, you may have already seen his work. Perhaps you’ve seen his Tom Cruise spoof in Superhero movie or the clip that’s still making the rounds on the Web. Or maybe you’ve seen his clever rendition of “This Must be the Place” by the Talking Heads shots as a video homage to American Psycho. While many hopeful souls move to Hollywood with dreams of getting discovered and becoming the next…
Why the Olympic Games Social Media Policy Failed
Guest point by Eric Schwartzman (@ericschwartzman) on why he believes the Social Media Policy at the 2012 London Olympics failed First off, social media could have at least partially erased the advantage that some state-sponsored “full-time amateur athletes” from Eastern Bloc countries enjoy over self-financed amateurs from Western countries. But unfortunately the social media gag order by the IOC neutered that chance by restricting athletes from sharing posts that mention their sponsors on Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else online. Here’s the clause:…
The Strive for Balance is a Journey Not a Destination
These days, we’re running fast…sometimes too fast. Our social networks keep us connected, but in some ways they’re also pulling us away from our center. Our social streams feed us information about our friends, family, events and even the latest viral videos or trends, but the currents too can overwhelm us. In a time when multitasking is just a way of life and communication is always on, I often wonder how distorted our perspective becomes until we realize clarity is…
The Age of Transparency in Digital Politics
Guest post by Minter Dial @mdial on social, transparency and politics using the recent French Presidential election between Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande as a case study The paths of social media and politics would seem to be inextricably linked. Politics has proven, in many countries, to be a great way to “democratize” social media, or the other way around. During the Arab Spring, social media helped inspire a change in regime. In the US, social media clearly contributed to…
How to Recognize Disruptive Opportunities
On this edition of Revolution, I’m joined by venture capitalist Mark Suster (@msuster). Together, we explore the state of innovation and the differences between emerging and disruptive technology and its impact on business and culture. Whether you’re a business strategist, an entrepreneur, or an investor, innovation is part of your livelihood. As a result, recognizing opportunities to invest, change or innovate is now a fundamental part of business. This is why businesses must dedicate resources to evaluating technology as it…
Finally, a look at the people who use Twitter
The days of “I don’t get Twitter” may soon pass. Tweets are now a form of self-expression among connected consumers and it is this connected generation that continues to grow in size and influence year over year. Much in the same way that TXTing is a natural form of common conversation, even if it’s a norm that’s outside of the world as you know it—Twitter is reflective of how millions of people are connecting and communicating. Over the years, Twitter…
The Future of Media is Currently in Production
Broadcast journalism evolves with every new medium that emerges. Social media certainly opened the doors to new forms of content and distribution channels, but in the end, value, consistency and engagement separates those who find a long-term audience from those flail in obscurity. The market for relevant and compelling content is infinite, regardless of medium. While traditional media learns to adapt, new visionaries arise to push the boundaries and possibilities of media and design fresh business models to support it….
It Takes Empathy
If you look at the picture above, you might see a sunset. Some of you will see a sunrise. Much like the famous philosophical discourse between skeptics and optimists, a glass can only be either half empty or half full. I believe nonetheless that the above picture is that of a sunrise. I’m an optimist. I also believe that a glass is reflective of its current state. Either you just poured into or poured out of it. Otherwise, it’s a…
Smashing Convention: Billy Corgan on why artists need more than viral videos
Welcome to Revolution Season 3! Although, we unofficially launched one of the interviews early (because of the GRAMMY Awards), Season 3 proudly debuts with an unapologetic interview with none other than Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins. This episode also celebrates the release of Oceania, the new Smashing Pumpkins “album within an album.” As guitarist and co-founder of the Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan was at the forefront of one of the most important music movements in recent history. He’s not…