Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


The Nexus of Digital, IT and Science Fiction in the Future of Work

The Nexus of Digital, IT and Science Fiction in the Future of Work

I have to tell you, I am absolutely loving the Digital Outliers podcast series and I hope you are too. In this episode, I get to talk with Brenda Cooper who among many things, is the CIO for the city of Kirkland, Washington. She is also a futurist and the author of nine science fiction and fantasy books. Her most recent novels are POST (Espec Books, 2016) and Spear of Light (Pyr, 2016).  Her other works include Edge of Dark (Pyr, 2015), The Creative Fire(Pyr, 2012), and The…

Future digital banking trends that apply to almost any consumer-facing business

Future digital banking trends that apply to almost any consumer-facing business

Each year, my friend Jim Marous assembles some of the industry’s most interesting perspectives on retail banking trends and predictions for the year ahead. I was invited back to share my thoughts (thank you Jim!) Although, looking back, I still stand by my ideas from the previous two years. I wanted to share the highlights from the report and also my contributions to this year’s list of trends/predictions. I also included ideas from previous years to help financial executives see the…

Digital Transformation Through a Global Lens

Digital Transformation Through a Global Lens

Part 3 in a media tour series for my 2016 keynote at Digital Business World Congress (DES) in Madrid, Spain. This interview is with i9 Magazine, “O mundo digital visto por peritos internacionais.”   Digital Transformation Through a Global Lens Digital revolution is happening. What are the buzzwords we must follow? Big Data, machine learning, smart cities, IOT, 4th industrial revolution,….? The digital revolution is has been happening for decades and it will only continue to change how we work, learn, communicate…

Defying Demographics: Generation-C, Today’s Hyperconnected Consumer ‘Generation’

Defying Demographics: Generation-C, Today’s Hyperconnected Consumer ‘Generation’

Not that long ago, I spent time with Kevin Delaney and the digital transformation team at Cisco’s Connected Futures to explore the evolving consumer landscape. My research and ongoing work with Google continues to show how and why people are changing and how businesses must transform through digital and also human approaches. Technology isn’t the answer, it’s a means to solve problems and create opportunities tied to how people are changing. As part of a deeper conversation and project with…

The Digital Transformation of Cities and City Governments

The Digital Transformation of Cities and City Governments

Digital transformation is affecting every aspect of our world. Looking beyond the typical business case studies, some of the most interesting, and overdue, work in digital transformation is happening within local, state and federal governments. Increasingly, the role of CIO or CTO is evolving to consider not only new technology implementations for modernizing work, but also how technology is used to improve operations. With roughly 3 million people migrating to cities every week and more than half the world’s population…

Is technology creating a narcissistic society?

Is technology creating a narcissistic society?

Part 2 in a media tour series for my 2016 keynote at Digital Business World Congress (DES) in Madrid, Spain. This interview is with Expansión, “La tecnología está creando una sociedad narcisista.” Technology is creating a narcissistic society We all talk a lot about change, but how can we change ourselves? This question refers to a famous quote by Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, “We all talk of change but we don’t talk of changing ourselves.” To change ourselves requires us to first…

In Truth We Trust?

In Truth We Trust?

I often hear people say… the one thing they appreciate in someone is “how honest” they are …or that they “speak their mind.” But, they’re not the same. Honesty is free of deceit and untruthfulness. The other, is when you say what you think very directly. It’s important that each of us understand the differences …for they form our foundation of ethics, morals and character. They symbolize what is or isn’t ok for us …as individuals and as a society….

What does the future of CX look like? Here are some of the most promising predictions

What does the future of CX look like? Here are some of the most promising predictions

What does the future of CX look like? That was the question asked by shortly before the new year. The result is an impressive list of predictions offered by some of the brightest minds working to make the future of CX a reality today. This is What the “CX of the Future” Looks Like The entire list is worth your time and study. Here are some of my favorites: “The CX of the future will be a combination of ultra-convenient…

Employees Swipe Right to Personal Tech in the Workplace

Employees Swipe Right to Personal Tech in the Workplace

The consumerization of IT has been long in the making. While it’s nothing new, the employee-driven trends of social media, BYOD (bring your own device) and BYOA (apps) in the workplace are only accelerating and proliferating. In addition to managing enterprise technology infrastructure and digital transformation roadmaps, IT must now balance the sanctioning and connectivity of new technologies while also managing and mitigating costs, compliance, security and data risks. At the same time, employees will say, and attentive organizations will…

Stop Talking About a Customer-Centered Culture and Build It Already

Stop Talking About a Customer-Centered Culture and Build It Already

In 2016, I had the opportunity to visit my mother’s birthplace, Madrid, Spain, and keynote the inaugural Digital Business World Congress (DES). I was invited to present on the business implications of experience design and also the state and future of artificial intelligence (AI) and customer experience (CX). Leading up to the event, I was invited to participate in a media tour to promote my arrival in Spain. The topics ranged from digital transformation to CX to disruptive technologies to corporate innovation….

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