Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

In Pursuit of Relevance

Welcome to irrelevance. Population: most of management by @gapingvoid and @briansolis

What does it mean to be relevant today?

We live and work in an era of digital Darwinism, where technology and society are evolving away from yesterday’s norms, mindsets, values, and behaviors.

Most companies want to be customer and employee centric. Most executives believe that their work matters to employees and customers. But the reality is that customers and employees are changing as times, trends and tastes evolve. They’re human after all. On the other hand, organizations and executives aren’t keeping up with evolution simply because corporate cultures are more rigid than they are agile. They’re more risk-averse than they are progressive.

The truth is that companies struggle to adapt because most corporate cultures and operational models were designed in an era before the internet. They’re increasingly exposed to “out of touchness” and thus, progress closer and closer to irrelevance.

The best intentions aren’t going to connect with customers and employees as they advance. The only way to do so is to invest in a leadership culture of empowerment, innovation and the pursuit of relevance.

Let’s go!

Originally published at GapingVoid.

Brian Solis

Brian Solis is principal analyst and futurist at Altimeter, the digital analyst group at Prophet, Brian is world renowned keynote speaker and 7x best-selling author. His latest book, X: Where Business Meets Design, explores the future of brand and customer engagement through experience design. Invite him to speak at your event or bring him in to inspire and change executive mindsets.

Connect with Brian!

Twitter: @briansolis
Facebook: TheBrianSolis
LinkedIn: BrianSolis
Instagram: BrianSolis
Youtube: BrianSolisTV
Snapchat: BrianSolis

4 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “In Pursuit of Relevance”

  1. Thanks Brian. Brief, concise and right on point. if you don´t mind I’ll translate to spanish and share!
    Regards from Guatemala!


  2. Alex Riha says:

    I saw you speak at a Sitecore sponsored event in Amsterdam many moons ago and your thoughts keep becoming more relevant with every passing year! I meet marketers and innovators regularly in various industry verticals globally and I always refer to your thinking, positioning what we do with interactive video at WIREWAX.
    Thank you!
    Happy 2019!!!

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