Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Social Media is About Sociology Not Technology

The future of engagement introduces sociology into the marketing strategy. Technology is just that, technology. The tools will change. The networks will evolve. Mediums for distributing content will grow. Along with it, behavior will too continue to adapt. In the era of the attention crash and social network fatigue, it is absolutely critical that we step back to realize that we are the communication bridge between companies and people. However, we also must realize that in the era of social…

Channels Will Improve the Twitter Experience

I’ve been following Chris Messina‘s and Stowe Boyd’s discussion on creating pseudo channels for Twitter. I find this extremely interesting because the volume of users and tweets are well beyond overwhelming it it makes it difficult to track, discover, and participate in relevant and interesting conversations. Messina and Boyd aren’t talking about groups as we know them in other social networks per se, but more along the lines of parsing information to specific assemblies of people around a common topic….

Pinger Brings Voice to Mobile Text Messaging

Text messaging has many business advantages, and unlike Trix, texting is not just for kids. The only frustrating thing I think we can all attest to however, is that most of the time, texting isn’t the fastest form of communication, even these days with shortcuts or mini qwerty keyboards – especially when we’re driving. What? Texting while driving? Come on, you know you do it too… OK, so to communicate faster, and do our part to keep the roads safe,…

Now is Gone Set to Publish in Late October

Several months ago, good friend Geoff Livingston asked me to work with him to develop a book that helps communications professionals understand and embrace new media. Geoff’s a smart guy and probably didn’t need my help to write this book, but I welcomed the opportunity to work with him. The result is Now Is Gone – A Primer on New Media for Executives and Entrepreneurs and it’s set to hit the market in October 2007. This was a very revealing…

Crisis Communications 2.0 – The Skype is Falling

Take a deep breath. On August 16th, the unthinkable happened for the millions of Skype subscribers around the world. For two days, they were left stranded without the ability to make Web-based phone calls or even chat with one another, sending everyone back to the very communications devices they were so intent on leaving behind – email, phones, and instant messaging. For two days, basically everyone subscribed to the Skype “Out” service literally. So when your service goes down, what…

PRWeek Interviews PR Pros on the Ascendancy of Facebook

PRWeek recently interviewed me, along with a few other PR pros including, Gerald Kimber White, John H. Bell, David Almacy, B. Bonin Bough, and David Haase to discuss Facebook’s impact on the PR industry. It would have also been interesting to include Facebook’s inhouse PR spokesperson, Brandee Barker – I wonder if she’s had a chance to read this yet. PRWeek is the primary (traditional) source for news and information in the PR industry. Author, Alexandra Bruell, explored why PR…

Building a Bridge Between Your Story, Bloggers, and People – Part I

To all of you advanced new media PR professionals, this post may seem a bit remedial in comparison to some of more technical and exploratory subjects we usually cover. Last year I ran a series covering blogger relations Forward Moving, a specialized blog dedicated to PR education. Due to unexpected demand, I’ve been asked to update these posts and re-run them as an ongoing series. I’m happy to do so. I’ll try to double up on posts to make sure…

Rick Mahn Names PR 2.0 in His Top 10 List of Daily Blogs to Read

Rick Mahn is calling attention to the fact that we have a lack of it – attention that is, and he’s doing something about it. Per Mahn’s recent post: Recently I’ve mentioned on Twitter about getting tired of the information overload. What it really is, is that I’ve jammed almost 200 feeds in Google Reader and am having trouble getting value out of all the information. To rectify this, I started by identifying my Top 10 bloggers. Why? Because I…

Social Media Manifesto Makes Junta42’s Most Popular Articles of the Week

The Future of Communications – A Manifesto for Integrating Social Media into Marketing is still going strong, and I hope it continues to do so. Things have such a limited lifespan in the blogospere these days, that I am happy to see that it is still making the rounds. Junta42 promoted the article as one of its featured articles for the week in an email newsletter that was sent to site members. Junta42 is new expert and user-generated search engine…

Deleting Users, Audience, and Messages from PR and Social Media

Attention PR and practicing Social Media professionals, step away from using “messages” to target “users” and “audience.” They are no longer filling the theaters, stadiums, and auditoriums to hear from marketers. I’ve been in tech PR since 91 and have been also guilty of using such terminology. Back in the day, users really were users in the tech business and when we were researching who they were, they would ultimately become the audience for our marketing initatives. Not everyone (aka…

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