Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Office 2.0 Conference: Mobility & Productivity

Ismael Ghalimi invited me to be part of the Office 2.0 team and I was more than happy to jump onboard. Ismael is a visionary and is helping to change the way companies think about next generation office applications and workflow. I’ve been deeply immersed in the Office 2.0 landscape, experimenting and documenting my experience with new and emerging technology and tools. I’m joining two reigning authorities on the subject, Marc Orchant and Oliver Starr, on the Mobility & Productivity…

iPhone for Dummies, 48 Hours with an iPhone

The iPhone is considered to be one of the most successful product launches in history. Although I’ve heard some incredibly, almost unbelievably gushing praise of the iPhone, I opted not to buy one while documenting the mania of iLines at the Palo Alto and San Francisco stores. But then a series of interesting events unfolded, as if I almost subconsciously set them in motion in order to justify the purchase of an iPhone. Last week, while loading the car, I…

Social Media is Transforming Marketing and Public Relations

I had the pleasure of recording a podcast with Jennifer Jones for PodTech‘s award winning Marketing Voices show – one of my favorite podcasts out there. Jennifer is a class act and is one of the leading examples of how industry veterans can migrate and excel in the world of new PR. We discussed my recent paper, “The Future of Marketing: How to Integrate Social Media into Marketing” and how to help PR professionals embrace the shifts in taking place…

Is Pownce the Twitter or Jaiku Killer?

There’s a new kid on the block and the edglings are a twitter over whether there’s room for another player in the presence application market. Pownce, the latest brain child from Digg founder, Kevin Rose, is off to a whirlwind start, with many asking whether or not it is already the “new” Twitter and Jaiku Killer. While Twitter and Jaiku are the current leaders, we’re really still too early to predict winners and losers in a market that is far…

New Media Release Cast 16 – Evolution of the Press Release

Chris Heuer, Shel Holtz, and I recorded number 16 in an ongoing series that discusses the New Media Release aka Social Media Release aka hrelease. In this episode, we were joined by Shannon Whitley, who is now heading up the Working Group for defining the hrelease standard. We discussed the state of the SMR, current examples of SMRs in action, as well as the plans for the Working Group moving forward. Whitley has been very passionate about the social media…

Defining Social Media

After publishing, “The Social Media Manifesto, A Manifesto for Integrating Social Media into Marketing,” I decided to take a short break. I wanted it to reside online for people to discover before it was pushed down the page with every post to follow. Afterall, we do have a very short attention span these days and the important posts that exist across the blogosphere are unfortunately quickly forgotten. But that’s the point of the manifesto. There are conversations taking place across…

Tech PR War Stories and The Social Media Manifesto

This week, I joined the Tech PR War Stories podcast with David Strom and Paul Gillin to discuss my recent article, The Future of Communications – A Manifesto for Integrating Social Media into Marketing Manifesto. While many discuss the need to engage, or review the benefits and disadvantages of social media, I’m focusing my efforts on the specifics of conversational tools and the sociology of transparent engagement to help those who want to learn how to participate instead of market….

The Social Media Manifesto

The Social Media Manifesto

In the past, I’ve spoken at PR, tech, and communications events about Social Media and how companies can engage in the conversations taking place with or without them. As much as I wanted to look into the future, I was rooted in the present as a means to connect it to the past. There are just too many new things to introduce to people and even more reasons why they should care. The discussion usually centered on the tools enabling…, A Series on Lifecasting – Part III

In the first post, we explored the meteoric evolution in online video, dating back to Web 1.0 with JenniCam, We Live in Public, and DotComGuy and now in Web 2.0 with the launch of the incredibly popular In the next chapter we dove into, which is the first online network to combine Youtube with 24/7 livecasting capabilities aka lifecasting aka livestreaming, a la Since the last article, continues to blossom into a full-blown media category that…

TwitDir is the White Pages for Twits aka People on Twitter

When Twitter originally launched, it offered an integrated, basic directory search function. For one reason or another, it vanished over night. It was a disappointing move as I, like many, relied on search to catch up with friends that we knew were on Twitter, but we were all too busy to remember the IDs, let alone add them to our email signatures and business cards for future reference. TwitDir is one of the many cool third party apps that reintroduces…

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