Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Facebook is the Hub for Your Personal Brand

As I’ve written in the past, Facebook is the most legitimate and productive social network for business professionals on the Web today. Not only does it connect people with other contacts, but it also, either intentionally or unintentionally, evolved into a powerful platform for aggregating all online activity to showcase a professionally wrapped package of expertise, personality, networks, and experience. But Facebook is much more than a social network. Its infrastructure facilitates profile and presence aggregation, channeling all online activity…

Now is Gone Book Cover Ready to Print

Just wanted to share the good news that the cover for Now is Gone was finalized and is ready to go. It should be listed on Amazon soon. Thanks again to Geoff Livingston for including me in the development of this book. Now Is Gone explores how New Media (and Social Media) are forcing the evolution of PR through a rich set of meaningful interviews, case studies, and comprehensive discussions. Connect on Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce or Facebook.

Link Love Sept. 10, 2007

Facebook Blog: Public Search Listings on Facebook – I’m working on a post about this which further examines why Facebook is the online hub for your personal brand. In the meantime, here’s the first post. Search Engine Guide: Why You Should Embrace the New Social Media News Release– A good overview on the Social Media Release. Read here for everything you wanted to know about SMRs. Now is Gone: Facebook Marketing Primer Read/Write Web:Social Network Quechup Accused of Spamming New…

Link Love for Sept. 5, 2007

WebJungle:Markets are conversations – but not all conversations are marketing. 2.0 is Dead PCWorld:Don’t ban Facebook at work according to researchers Stephanie Agresta:I’m a geek marketer and proud of it! User First Web: Ablog about putting people before technology (worth a read).

Posts Worth Reading

Jeremiah Owyang: What the Web Strategist Should Know About Twitter Geoff Livingston: Now is Gone – Sources for the Book Scott Karp: Google News Hosting Wire Service Stories Diminishes Value Of Duplicate Content Is Mark Zuckerberg the New Bill Gates? Startup Schwag: Bringing back the schwag Ross Mayfield: Status Contests and Attention Aggregators AdAge/Steve Rubel: As Technology Develops, So Does Role of Geek Marketers (I think this is off base, but you be the judge).

Lifestreams Channel Online Activity, Creating Rivers of Relevance

Lifestreams are back in the spotlight again thanks to the most recent meme started by Steve Rubel, except this time, the popularity of flow, aka presence applications, such as Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, and Tumblr is much greater and expansive than the last time the topic circulated the blogosphere. As the idea starts to move along the bell curve, people are realizing the potential for aggregating information and broadcasting a focused channel of relevant content – on both sides of the…

Social Media is About Sociology Not Technology

The future of engagement introduces sociology into the marketing strategy. Technology is just that, technology. The tools will change. The networks will evolve. Mediums for distributing content will grow. Along with it, behavior will too continue to adapt. In the era of the attention crash and social network fatigue, it is absolutely critical that we step back to realize that we are the communication bridge between companies and people. However, we also must realize that in the era of social…

Channels Will Improve the Twitter Experience

I’ve been following Chris Messina‘s and Stowe Boyd’s discussion on creating pseudo channels for Twitter. I find this extremely interesting because the volume of users and tweets are well beyond overwhelming it it makes it difficult to track, discover, and participate in relevant and interesting conversations. Messina and Boyd aren’t talking about groups as we know them in other social networks per se, but more along the lines of parsing information to specific assemblies of people around a common topic….

Pinger Brings Voice to Mobile Text Messaging

Text messaging has many business advantages, and unlike Trix, texting is not just for kids. The only frustrating thing I think we can all attest to however, is that most of the time, texting isn’t the fastest form of communication, even these days with shortcuts or mini qwerty keyboards – especially when we’re driving. What? Texting while driving? Come on, you know you do it too… OK, so to communicate faster, and do our part to keep the roads safe,…

Now is Gone Set to Publish in Late October

Several months ago, good friend Geoff Livingston asked me to work with him to develop a book that helps communications professionals understand and embrace new media. Geoff’s a smart guy and probably didn’t need my help to write this book, but I welcomed the opportunity to work with him. The result is Now Is Gone – A Primer on New Media for Executives and Entrepreneurs and it’s set to hit the market in October 2007. This was a very revealing…

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