Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Recommended Reading – October 9, 2007

Strumpette Editor Resigns – Changing PR? Tom Foremski on Amanda Chapel’s departure. PR won’t change until it has to. CommonSense PR and Geoff Livingston also chime in. Gavin Newsom Case Study: Facebook for PR, Branding, and Press Room Daniel Riveong discusses social media and personal brands Why Bother Blogging Podcasting and Using Social Networks Chris Brogan playfully demonstrates why you should engage in social media “It’s a Conversation, Stupid! Part 1″ Chris Lynn reminds us that social media is about…

The Future of the Press Release – Part II, It’s about people

In the first post of this series, I asked for your help in laying the press release to rest – as it exists today. Unfortunately, today’s release has evolved into a collection of posturing, hyperbole, and canned quotes that have very little impact on the ability to generate significant news coverage. One of the most important takeaways of the last article was that a significant percentage of customers are reading press releases directly through search engines as well as Google…

Recommended Reading – October 4, 2007

TurnPRon– I’ll be speaking here later today on “PR 3.0” (I think you can guess my stanceon the subject). Social Media Relations= The Release + News Room: Todd And takes a look at the evolution of the Social Media Release and why Social Media is so important in PR. Adding Grease to hRelease:Shannon Whitley looks at moving the hrelease forward. This is a good look at the future of the press release. Web 3.0 is About Intelligence: I respond to…

Techmeme Launches Top 100 Leaderboard, A New Resource for Tracking Influence

2006 – 2007 saw the rise of new media and it has been nothing short of disruptive for journalists, communications professionals, newsmakers, and the people formerly known as the audience. I’m sure this isn’t news to you. After all, you’re reading this blog, which says that you’re already part of the new media movement and are mostly likely creating your own media as well. Whether you’re in technology or not, there are some very important movements taking place in the…

Recommended Reading – October 2, 2007

The Seven Principles of Community Building: Geoff Livingston reviews the 7 principles of community building Twelve things journalists can do to save journalism: Howard Owens lists 12 steps for journalists to save journalism The problem with newspaper blogs is… Jeff Jarvis argues that newspapers should not be big brands but big collections of brands Ten Questions with Chris Brogan: Guy Kawasaki interviews Chris Brogan on Social Media and Twitter The Conversation: Carlie Flossberg explains the value of blogging to people…

The Future of the Press Release – Part I, Acceptance

The press release is on life support and I’m rallying a team of supporters to euthanize it – not to put it out of its misery, but to keep it from contributing to the misery of reporters, analysts, bloggers and the people who read them. The process of writing and distributing a press release can be excruciatingly painful and is almost laughable when you read the final product. Company X Launches World’s First, Industry-leading, Innovative Thingamabob that will Change Our…

Link Love for Sept. 28, 2007

The Effects Of Digg on My Blog – Chris Brogan reviews the impact of Digg on blog posts. The Magic Art of RSS: An Interview with Marjolein Hoekstra by Marshall Kirkpatrick – Marjolein Hoekstra lives in The Hague, Netherlands and writes the blog In the magical world of RSS power use, Marjolein is the High Priestess. Will we never learn? Shel Holtz Reviews the lack of transparency in a recent Microsoft-Burson Marstellar campaign. PR-Squared’s “Social Media Tactics” Series ……

Get a F#ck!ng Blog Already

The title of this post is dedicated to B.L. Ochman. I felt that I’d keep up with the spirit in order to convince companies to stop asking questions and accept the fact that they need to engage. The only question they need to ask is,”what do I need to do?” Good friend Duncan Riley recently asked me to help with an article he was writing regarding PR professionals who also blog and whether or not the companies we work with…

Link Love for Sept. 24, 2007

What Is Influence? – Max Kalehoff explores influence and why it should be a focus of every marketing campaign. The Immediate Media Age: Of Broadband & Blogs – Om Malik discusses how the face of media has changed creating a new medium of immediacy. Valley PR Blog, 5 Reasons to Use Social Networks – Linda VandeVrede discusses 5 reasons to use social networks for PR professionals. Features a quote from yours truly. Social Media: Evolution to Execution – Excellent discussion…

Conversational Marketing Versus Market Conversations

Conversational Marketing Versus Market Conversations

The much discussed and highly revered Cluetrain Manifesto is proving to be more relevant than ever. As Social Media becomes more pervasive in marketing, it’s imperative that we become gatekeepers to prevent opportunistic marketers from bankrupting the conversation economy. As someone noted, aren’t all marketers opportunistic? Yes and no. It’s the difference between leveraging an opportunity because you can bring value to the discussion vs. selling an opportunity simply because you can capitalize on it. Jakob Nielsen added a unique…

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