Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Blog This – November 10, 2007

Does What Happens in the Facebook Stay in the Facebook?
A very interesting video that should remind us that what we share on the Web and in social networks (in this case Facebook) is discoverable and usable by people you don’t know and could come back in ways you would never expect. I touched upon this a bit in “Beware of What You Share in the World of Social Media.”

Explaining what the “Social Graph” is to your Executives
I guess we’re stuck with the term Social Graph. Jeremiah Owyang does a great job of summarizing what it is and why it’s important to business.

I can define it for you in ten words.

Social Graph = Your relationships and the relationships of others within Social Networks.

Or, better yet, I can define it in two words.

Social Graph = Social Networks.

Liz Strauss
I had the opportunity to finally meet Liz Strauss of Successful (and Outstanding) Blog (gers) during Blogworld Expo. My brief meeting with her was one of the highlights of the show.

Robyn Tippins
I also finally met Robyn at Blogworld Expo. Community Manager at MyBlogLog, Robyn also helps bloggers and webmasters increase their income via Adsense, Affiliate Advertising and General Blogging Help.

Virgin America Gets it Right, Opens an Ultra Lounge in the Clouds
I wrote about my recent experience flying Virgin America over at

Brian Solis at Blogworld Expo

Jim Kukral interview at Blogworld Expo in Las Vegas

Getting Social

Marcom Professional Features Brian Solis as part of its Social Media roundup

’08 Countdown #2: The End of ‘Free’

Chris Shipley predicts the end of Web 2.0 in 2008

A Social Media Discussion Lifestreamed

SomewhatFrank’s Frank Gruber wore a camera on his head, style and captured his discussion with other smart folks about Social Media

What real journalists really want from public relations

Michael Tangeman has an excellent post on how PR enhance their working relationship with journalists.

Managing a Corporate Blog, Like HP’s

Tac Anderson, HP’s Director of Social Media for the LaserJet Division, revealed HP’s internal blogging workflow and best practices.

Dear Chris Anderson, an Open Letter to Make Things Right

My open letter to Chris Anderson to make sure PR “gets” it.

Chris Anderson hates receiving spam, benefits from sending it

Valleywag’s highlights contradiction between PR and publishing

New Media Douchebags

Hilarious video that stereo types the new media aka social media professionals out there!

ROI on Community Building

Connie Bensen on her role in community building at ACDSee and the associated expectations of management.

Be Like the Internet

Chris Webb’s long, but incredible presentation on how to embrace and participate in Social Media – The key is to let go and embrace the chaos.

Is Media Relations Dead on the Web?

Ugh. An incredibly narrow “us vs. them” view of Social Media and Media Relations. This is the kind of post that shows you why PR isn’t always invited to the marketing table. This has NOTHING to do w/media relations. It should be in addition to any good PR program…

ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “Blog This – November 10, 2007”

  1. ME Strauss says:

    Hey Brian!
    I’m so smiling as I think back on our conversation! It was a highlight indeed!

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