Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


The Generation Gap is Getting Old – Why Older Generations Should Build Bridges to Millennials and Centennials not Roadblocks

The Generation Gap is Getting Old – Why Older Generations Should Build Bridges to Millennials and Centennials not Roadblocks

It’s said that there are two things certain in life…death and taxes. We can also add the certainty that a great divide will always exists in each generational shift. The “generation gap” as it’s formally called, represents the difference of opinion between one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics or values. Depending on the situation or circumstance, this gap can foster debate, ignorance and even contention, often pitting younger people against their parents, grandparents, teachers, managers and fellow citizens. But,…

Attention Students and Entrepreneurs: Here’s Why The Social Sciences are More Important Than Ever

Attention Students and Entrepreneurs: Here’s Why The Social Sciences are More Important Than Ever

Somewhere between Summer and Fall, I spent an unforgettable moment with Andrea Koppel. The good news is that we recorded our conversation. If the surname sounds familiar, it’s because Andrea is the daughter of iconic broadcast journalist and host of Nightline Ted Koppel. Andrea is a force of her own however. Among many things, she’s the host of the uber-popular Time4Coffee podcast. It’s a show dedicated to students and entrepreneurs where “caffeinated career conversations” guide listeners in their studies and career…

The Frozen Middle Separates Management from Leadership (and Innovation)

The Frozen Middle Separates Management from Leadership (and Innovation)

Illustration created with culture design firm @GapingVoid We live in a time of digital Darwinism. As technology evolves so do markets. And as they evolve, behaviors, values and norms also adapt. This sets the stage for the widespread disruption that we are witnessing today. Regrettably, or not, many reigning executives are not experienced to lead growth and innovation strategies as disruptive technologies radically shift everything around them. Yet, no matter how well we study history, it’s always doomed to repeat itself….

The Magic of Creativity and Innovation Happens Outside of Your Comfort Zone

The Magic of Creativity and Innovation Happens Outside of Your Comfort Zone

In July 2018, I had a chance to speak in Rancho Palo Verdes at the NBJ Summit. I think I would move to the area given the opportunity. It’s a wonderful oasis in between the [INSERT ADJECTIVE/S HERE] of Southern California and the serenity of a beachside community. Before walking off stage, I noticed a graphic recording by The Sketch Effect off to my left. I missed it during my presentation, but was more than curious about what was captured…

Find Joy and Meaning Along the Long and Winding Road of Life

Find Joy and Meaning Along the Long and Winding Road of Life

A moment if you will…away from everything else. Sometimes I wonder how I got here. If I had to be honest, I would say that none of it was intentional. And if I had to be fully transparent, there were many throughout my life who believed I wouldn’t amount to much. There was a time when I believed them. I let it define me. The truth is that I still think about it from time to time. Am I supposed…

Humanity and Transparency are Genuine Value Propositions

Humanity and Transparency are Genuine Value Propositions

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to keynote #SMMW18 in San Diego on the “State and Future of Social Media” and how we can (and need to) take back control of technology’s role in our lives. It was the first time speaking on the subject after walking away from it for several years. It was a big talk…first time presenting it. It was also a big audience…several thousand attendees. I was nervous and human and trying to stay centered….

Here’s to the past, but now it’s time to learn and unlearn toward the future

Here’s to the past, but now it’s time to learn and unlearn toward the future

How we measure future success is based on yesterday’s understanding of what success meant. It was a different time. The experiences that many deliver today are based on standards of the past and what was acceptable to a preceding generation of customers. People have changed and continue to do so. We simply can’t imagine new possibilities if we can’t see, feel, hear, sense, people as they advance. Otherwise, our ideas, no matter how creative, brilliant, bold, will always be rooted…

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