Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Digital Transformation

Agility is the Key to Relevance

Agility is the Key to Relevance

On the importance of agility… Agility is a way of thinking and working. It’s an open and aspirational mindset, perspective and constant series of actions that incessantly seek to deliver new value to evolving markets. Agility is the key to relevance. Brian Solis, Author, Speaker, Futurist Brian Solis is principal analyst and futurist at Altimeter, the digital analyst group at Prophet, Brian is a world renowned keynote speakerand 8x best-selling author. In his new book, Lifescale: How to live a more creative, productive and happy…

The Deep Work of CX and Digital Transformation

The Deep Work of CX and Digital Transformation

On 16 April 2019, I was invited by my dear friend Ross Quintana to join the popular, weekly Adobe series “#AdobeChat.” I have to say that it was one of the fastest hours I’d experienced in a long time. In this conversation, we, along with countless forward-thinking executives, discussed “The Deep Work of CX and Digital Transformation.” Of course, I peppered in a bit about Lifescale and how it affects employees and customers. Below, I’ve collected Adobe’s questions along with…

The 2018-2019 State of Digital Transformation

The 2018-2019 State of Digital Transformation

I’m proud to announce the availability of The 2018-2019 State of Digital Transformation report. Now in its fifth year, our annual “State of Digital Transformation” research continues to document the constantly evolving enterprise. As disruptive technologies and their impact on organizations and markets continue to progress, our research aims to capture the shifts and trends that are shaping modern digital transformation. In 2018, strategic digital transformation is only becoming more pervasive moving beyond IT to impact competitiveness throughout the organization….

Digital Darwinism: What Killed Borders, Blockbuster and Toys R Us and How to Survive

Digital Darwinism: What Killed Borders, Blockbuster and Toys R Us and How to Survive

We live in an era of “digital Darwinism,” a time when technology and society are evolving faster than the ability of many organizations to adapt. It is for this reason (along with a myriad of other problems of course) that in fact killed Borders, Blockbuster, Toys “R” Us and the like. Not only did digital Darwinism cost us close to a half billion job, it’s only accelerating. As Leon C. Megginson once said in paraphrasing Charles Darwin’s Origin of the…

Dear executives, find and empower your change agents, innovators and intraprenuers

Dear executives, find and empower your change agents, innovators and intraprenuers

I’ve spent the better part of 20 years studying innovation and specifically, the past several years studying the people behind digital transformation. One universal truth I’ve found time and time again is that, in the face of disruption, the most meaningful and lasting change is always human. But, that spark, vision, or drive to change doesn’t always come from the top. Many times, there are those unsung heroes who feel, see or know at their very core, what needs to…

AI Marketing: The Next Big Thing

AI Marketing: The Next Big Thing

I recently had the opportunity to talk to SAS about a topic close to their heart and mine:  AI Marketing.  Why are we excited about this? Well, you can read more of our conversation here but in a nutshell AI has the power to revolutionize the way we market and how we shape the customer journey. In the Q&A I delve into the competitive benefits of AI marketing, the power AI has to reshape traditional marketing, the changes it will…

The Human Dimension of Innovation and Digital Transformation

The Human Dimension of Innovation and Digital Transformation

Any time I get to visit Madrid, Spain (España!), I take it. It’s where my mother was born and it’s where much of my family still reside. I used to visit every other year going back to my earliest of years. I miss it, I miss my family and I hope to visit again soon. During my last trip, I had the opportunity to partner with BBVA and Oracle to present to executives from Spanish companies on the state and…

In Pursuit of Relevance

In Pursuit of Relevance

Welcome to irrelevance. Population: most of management by @gapingvoid and @briansolis What does it mean to be relevant today? We live and work in an era of digital Darwinism, where technology and society are evolving away from yesterday’s norms, mindsets, values, and behaviors. Most companies want to be customer and employee centric. Most executives believe that their work matters to employees and customers. But the reality is that customers and employees are changing as times, trends and tastes evolve. They’re…

How to Transform Digital Customer Experiences for the Connected Customer

How to Transform Digital Customer Experiences for the Connected Customer

Digital transformation is only becoming more prominent in driving business modernization. Yet today, it is rarely designed, led and managed as one, sweeping, coordinated effort across the enterprise. Eventually companies get there as outlined in “The 6 Stages of Digital Transformation.” But, most of the time it starts disparately in pockets across the organization. Many business units learn and progress independently before regrouping with the rest of the organization to then move in unison and with purpose. This is why the…

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