Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Year: 2015

Attention is a Gift: Once you have my attention, why should I care?

Attention is a Gift: Once you have my attention, why should I care?

I’m frustrated that my worth is measured more by the numbers of followers, views or visitors that I have and not the merit or impact of my work. You too must start to feel discontent when it comes to your work being judged on hollow numbers alone. The ability to cause effect or change behavior is true influence and that’s the core of what we stand for. Numbers do not mean much. Without purpose and intention, our work becomes part…

Kent State University: 60 Resources for Getting Your EMBA and the Career You Want

Earning your Executive MBA is the first step to getting the career you want, and as a potential executive, it’s important for you to stay up-to-date on everything happening in the business world. The team at Kent State University created a helpful list of resources that cover a wide variety of topics. These resources will not only help you through the EMBA program, but they will also help you achieve your future career goals.Technology Brian Solis Twitter: @briansolis Perhaps one…

What Do You Stand For? #WDYSF

What Do You Stand For? #WDYSF

To change, to make things matter to real people, everything must begin with a new perspective and approach. Ask yourself…What do you stand for? It’s an important question you must answer before expecting anyone to stand alongside you. #WDYSF What is the value you wish to add? What is the value you wish to take away? How does engagement make things better or create new possibilities and opportunities for all involved? No matter how much we say or create, it…

PSFK Interview: Does Your Brand Have a Customer Experience Strategy?

PSFK Interview: Does Your Brand Have a Customer Experience Strategy?

by Macala Wright, PSFK Digital Futurist Brian Solis reveals how brands can navigate the consumer experience economy In 2013, Internet of Things expert and noted author, Brian Solis, released his book, What’s the Future of Business? In it, Solis wrote that the future of business comes down to relevance and the ability to understand how technology affects consumers’ decision-making processes. In my 2013 PSFK interview, Solis shared that consumers not only expect great brand experiences, but that they also believe…

Réinventer l’expérience du client connecté : la vision de Brian Solis, gourou de l’engagement client

Le numérique bouleverse le parcours du consommateur. Les entreprises doivent adapter l’expérience client afin que chaque interaction soit la plus efficace possible. Brian Solis, gourou de l’engagement client, livre la checklist des bonnes pratiques à appliquer.  Qui dit transformation numérique, dit transformation de l’expérience et du parcours client. Cela va nettement plus loin que de gérer de nouveaux points de contact. C’est ce que montre cette étude réalisée par Brian Solis, analyste principal de la société d’études Altimeter pour le…

USATODAY: Anonymity working for Whisper app

by Jefferson Graham, USATODAY Despite the huge outcry over anonymous comments on websites like Reddit and Yik Yak, Whisper has found a way to make anonymity work. Instead of name calling, bullying, harassment, racist taunts and homophobic slander that has characterized some online comments without names attached, Whisper’s brand is a nice anonymity. “What differentiates us from other platforms is that we only allow you to use anonymity as a shield and not as a sword,” says Michael Heyward, the…

It’s About the Customer Experience; So, Why Is Your Brand Ignoring Customers?

It’s About the Customer Experience; So, Why Is Your Brand Ignoring Customers?

  Humans are emotional creatures and they want experiences that engage them as humans. They’re not eyeballs, impressions, views, likes, shares, clickthroughs, or conversions. A few weeks ago, I visited New York on a beautiful summer day to participate in an event that I would love to repeat everywhere around the world. Prophet, a global brand strategy firm that recently acquired Altimeter Group, hosted an intimate event to explore the new horizons of digital customer experience (DCX). I was invited…

AlleyWatch: Entrepreneurs Need To Be Experts On Social Change

By Martin Zwilling, AlleyWatch Many entrepreneurs think that adapting to the new technologies, like smart phones and Internet commerce, are the key to attracting new customers. In fact, businesses need to adapt just as completely to the changes in the buying and social behavior of consumers. High-technology product startups, without customers, don’t make a business. Today’s customer buying dynamics are all about “user experience,” according to Brian Solis, in his recent book “What’s the Future of Business?.” This thought leader…

UX Matters: The Future of Business Web Site UX

by Ohad Rozen, UX Matters User Experience as Competitive Advantage Though it’s taken quite a bit longer than many frustrated UX designers thought it would, the business world is finally waking up to a fundamental fact: when it comes to B2B or B2C Web site design and development, a great user experience is not—and has never been—optional or merely nice to have. Rather, it is essential to a successful customer journey and as vital to organizational success and growth as…

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