Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Year: 2014

Yo. Srsly?

Yo. Srsly?

App: Yo. User: Yo App: Yo User: Yo, sup? App: Yo User: Yo, you for real? App: Yo User: Yo, I’m out. A new app that lets you send “yo” to friends is real and its initial $1 million investment is also real. Merriam-Webster defines the word “yo” as an interjection used to grab someone’s attention. Yo certainly has done just that by grabbing everyone’s attention. Yo defines “yo” as “The simplest & most efficient communication tool in the world….

Every Company is a Cloud Company: The Relationship Between Technology and the Future of Business

Every Company is a Cloud Company: The Relationship Between Technology and the Future of Business

People first. That’s where this discussion begins. My guest on this episode of Revolution is NetSuite CEO Zach Nelson. For running one of the leading companies in the cloud business software game, Nelson is among the more grounded and sincere technology executives I’ve sat down with in quite a while. We didn’t discuss innovation, speeds and feeds or key differentiators of NetSuite versus other companies, instead we looked at people, why and how they run businesses, and how technology enables…

Disrupting the B-to-B-to-C Model

Disrupting the B-to-B-to-C Model

Guest post by Gib Bassett (@gibbassett), Global Program Director, Consumer Goods, Teradata Business disruption sometimes happens very quickly, almost too fast to react. Consider what happened to Blockbuster as movie rentals shifted online. Other times it happens more slowly but is no less impactful. Case in point: how online, mobile and social channels are transforming the way we shop and make purchase decisions. The industries most affected – retail and branded consumer products – possess entrenched business models that pre-date…

The Pivot Conference Unveils the Future of Business, Technology and Society; New Format Helps Executives and Strategists Chart a New Course Toward Market Relevance

The Pivot Conference Unveils the Future of Business, Technology and Society; New Format Helps Executives and Strategists Chart a New Course Toward Market Relevance

The Tomorrow Project, LLC, Brian Solis and Momentum, the organizers of Pivot, today announced the agenda for the 2014 Pivot Conference scheduled for October in New York City. The Pivot Conference takes place October 16-17 at the Nasdaq Marketsite in Times Square and is produced by Brian Solis, principal analyst with Altimeter Group and author of the recently published best-seller What’s the Future of Business. The Pivot Conference is the annual gathering of the leaders of social/mobile/digital initiatives for major…

Could HIT-Amazon partnership spread like wildfire?

Aaron Hutchins of Kidscreen, a media company that covers the global children’s entertainment industry, covered the HIT Entertainment-Amazon deal and asked Brian Solis for his thoughts. Amazon and HIT Entertainment, a division of Mattel, announced a partnership that will bring the preschool series, as well as an array of consumer products exclusively to, via a Fireman Sam hub on the site. It is the first deal its kind for the two companies and it could also shape the business…

10 Quotes on The Future of Business

10 quotes by Brian Solis on the Future of Business from Prezly Every now and then, I receive a nice surprise that gives me pause. Today is one such moment. I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to share it with you. The team over at Prezly put together a wonderful Slideshare that features some key quotes from my last three books Engage, The End of Business as Usual and What’s the Future of Business (WTF). I could only…

10 Brian Solis Quotes on The Future of Business by Prezly

Every now and then, Brian receives a nice surprise that gives him pause. Today is one such moment. The team at Prezly put together a Slideshare featuring quotes from Solis’ last three books Engage, The End of Business as Usual and What’s the Future of Business (WTF). Prezly is a PR toolkit that gives users everything they need to share important news with important media contacts. The Top 10 Quotes on the Future of Business 2009: Engage, The complete guide…

Brian Solis, World-Renowned Digital Analyst & Futurist, to Keynote DrivingSales Executive Summit

Via Virtual Strategy Magazine Award-winning author Brian Solis to show dealers how to navigate and embrace disruptive technologies (from wearables to sharing economies) and drive better customer relationships and more sales by becoming part of the ‘disruption’. DrivingSales announced that Brian Solis, an award-winning author and globally recognized thought leader on how digital technology is transforming society and business, will keynote the sixth annual DrivingSales Executive Summit (DSES). This year’s summit will be held Sunday, October 12th, through Tuesday, October…

The Accidental Narcissist and The Future of Customer Engagement

The Accidental Narcissist and The Future of Customer Engagement

Have you ever noticed that your Facebook News Feed is the digital equivalent to “It’s a Wonderful Life?” Perhaps you’ve liked your Instagram stream to that of “Lifestyles of the Digital Rich and Internet Famous.” In each network, and across multiple social streams, you’re fed a visual buffet of travel, food, fashion, celebrations, which in assemblage, tell the story of life well lived or at least a life well curated. And at the center of each of these experiences is…

Folk Skal Føle (People Must Feel)!

Folk Skal Føle (People Must Feel)!

Digital adfĂŚrd krĂŚver ny kommunikation. Det gĂŚlder om at vĂŚkke følelser, og til dĂŠt er der masser af uudnyttet digital viden at hente, sagde Brian Solis da han indtog scenen ved ĂĽrets Direct Marketing Pris. Digital behavior requires new communication. The idea is to evoke emotion, and that’s a lot of untapped digital information to collect, said Brian Solis when he took to the stage at this year’s Direct Marketing Awards. Den voksende gruppe af digitale forbrugere krĂŚver i sagens…

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