Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Becoming the Future


I’m pretty passionate about changing how we teach in order to create a bridge between analog and digital generations. I recently contributed a short chapter to The Little Book of Inspiration and I wanted to share it with you here.

In an age where knowledge is more accessible than ever, how do we create engaged workplace learners that are inspired to go out and discover the answers themselves? Reed, in conjunction with Learning Technologies and the Learning & Skills Group, put that question to 13 leading experts and L&D thinkers. I was invited to contribute to the mix. This short book is our response and it is now available as a free download.

Becoming the Future

The future of learning is constant.

Technology is evolving faster than we can master each innovation. What isn’t advancing as quickly however is our philosophy on how we learn and, even more, how we teach. Innovation isn’t just about technology. Innovation begins from within.

To quote famed novelist Leo Tolstoy…“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

While I teach, no matter how much I learn, I am forever a student. I understand that it is what we learn that inspires us to see how to change the future for how others learn and teach as well. Sometimes we just need a change in perspective…a change in how we see the world to shape how the world sees us. I am in constant pursuit of accepting who I am today and investing in who I want to be tomorrow. But to grow, we need substance and direction.

It takes vision and courage to take the unknown next steps in a direction that most do not follow.

The distance between who you are and who you want to be is separated only by your aspirations and actions.


Uncover what is meaningful to you in the long term and what you aspire to become.


Do the things that bring your dreams and your vision to life…even if it’s iterative.

It’s the sum of the parts that contributes to the whole and the outcome.


As you act, react, and persevere, you discover the secret to defining your own destiny follows the laws of physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The more you do, the more opportunities you unlock. You earn what you deserve.

This is your time to shape the way we learn and teach!


Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Google+ |Youtube | Instagram

Contributors include:

Clive Shepherd
Nigel Paine
Paul Stoltz
Paul Matthews
Deborah Frances-White
Guy Claxon
Donald H. Taylor
Jane Hart
Euan Semple
Harold Jarche
David Wilson
Jim Kirkpatrick

8 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “Becoming the Future”

  1. JC Giraldo says:

    Great post and you know that my fav part was : “While I teach, no matter how much I learn, I am forever a student”, but in the same time i do not why some people think the do not need learn more , anyways.
    Thanks Brian , for this great article ,actually I shared in whole my networks !

  2. natty says:

    Very interesting article! I would agree that the mass of innovations is just overwhelming and overpowering… It forces you to learn otherwise you will loose a “sense of reality”…My favorite part is ” The distance between who you are and who you want to be is separated only by your aspirations and actions…” I think to find motivation for moving toward your goals is the one of the biggest challenges in life…

  3. Adriana F says:

    I so agree with this article Brian. But something that has happened to me is that the “dreaming, doing and deserving” have changed over time according to different experiences in my life (good and hard ones). Sometimes these new lessons move my world to better, and I start dreaming bigger. Thank you for putting this into words.

  4. I do agree with what you say. It is important to build a new future of teaching technology.

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