Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: education

Ask Me Anything: A Very Personal Reddit AMA to Celebrate the Release of Lifescale [Full Transcript]

Ask Me Anything: A Very Personal Reddit AMA to Celebrate the Release of Lifescale [Full Transcript]

It’s been years since I last hosted an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit. With the release of Lifescale: How to Live a More Creative, Productive and Happy Life, it was time to change that. On May 2nd 2019, I took to Reddit once again for the first in a two-part series.  The first part is here if you’d like to ask your question on the official AMA page. I also included the conversation as of May 5th to share…

How to Make Lifelong Learning an Organizational Priority

How to Make Lifelong Learning an Organizational Priority

Guest post by Mark Burgess (@mnburgess) co-author of “Social Employees: The New Marketing Channel,” a 22-part video tutorial released by, a LinkedIn company. What is the value of lifelong learning, and how do you build it within your organization? Today, the value of building a culture of active learners can be summed up in one word: relevancy. In a recent post for Harvard Business Review, Pat Wadors, CHRO of LinkedIn, argues precisely this. Simply put, organizations that are not…

26 Disruptive Tech Trends for 2016 – 2018

26 Disruptive Tech Trends for 2016 – 2018

Each year at this time, I read all of the predictions for the new year plus the “top X” lists wrapping out the previous year. Add to that the first week of chaos that is CES and all of the new tech debuting in Las Vegas. And each year, I’m left wanting more substance as I plan my research. So, in 2015, I officially threw my hat into the mix with my inaugural look at “25 Disruptive Technology Trends in 2015 –…

Brilliance is Distributed Around The World; Opportunity However is Not

Brilliance is Distributed Around The World; Opportunity However is Not

The rate at which we progress is defined by the time and energy we invest in ourselves. We can’t do everything alone however. As John Lennon and Paul McCartney famously wrote, “I get by with a little help from my friends.” But not everyone has access to the same resources you and I do. Sometimes those friends aren’t so readily visible or available and thus progress inches along, stalls or sometimes regresses. One of the biggest trends I’ve seen in…

Becoming the Future

Becoming the Future

I’m pretty passionate about changing how we teach in order to create a bridge between analog and digital generations. I recently contributed a short chapter to The Little Book of Inspiration and I wanted to share it with you here. In an age where knowledge is more accessible than ever, how do we create engaged workplace learners that are inspired to go out and discover the answers themselves? Reed, in conjunction with Learning Technologies and the Learning & Skills Group,…

The Future of Learning is Stuck in the Past: Why education is less about technology and more about behavior

Here’s a story I haven’t shared much, but I’m doing so now because of an opportunity I recently had to present at the Learning Technology conference in London. Over the last two years, I’ve personally studied learning technology and also learning behaviors to relearn how to engage Generation C through analog and digital media. While writing WTF, I studied the learning patterns and preferences among Generation C and how they differed from less connected students. What I learned reshaped how…

The Future of Learning is Anchored by History: Why education is less about technology and more about behavior

The Future of Learning is Anchored by History: Why education is less about technology and more about behavior

Here’s a story I haven’t shared much, but I’m doing so now because of an opportunity I recently had to present at the Learning Technology conference in London. Over the last two years, I’ve personally studied learning technology and also learning behaviors to relearn how to engage Generation C through analog and digital media. While writing WTF, I studied the learning patterns and preferences among Generation C and how they differed from less connected students. What I learned reshaped how…

(R)evolution: Stanford Law’s Ryan Calo on Privacy Harm and Education

Welcome to the (R)evolution, a new series that connects you to the people, trends, and ideas defining the future of business, culture, and media. There’s a poignant observation by Gabriel García Márquez I’d like to share with you, “Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life.” Which do you broadcast? The social web is not powered by technology as much as it is by people. While it is the responsibility of social networks and…

Where and Why: An Unpublished Interview

Rather than let this interesting discussion sink to the cavernous depths of my inbox, I thought I’d share it with you here. 1. You’re known as a visionary of future media as well as a trendspotter… what drew you to this position? Not sure that they’re as much professions as they represent a labor of love. In the 90s and early 2000s, I focused all of my research and work on technology, understanding its impact on culture and consumer behavior…

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