Studying the impact of innovation on business and society



I’m truly excited to share a bit of news with you…

While this isn’t the formal launch of my new book, today represents a significant milestone for me.

As of today, Engage is available for pre-order on, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, and Borders, with shipments expected to arrive sometime in mid-to-late February. Other sites will go live soon.

This post represents the first time that I’ve publicly released the title…Engage. And, I also join good friends Chris Brogan, Steve Garfield, David Meerman Scott, Marsha Collier, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah as a fellow author at Wiley.

This book also serves as a touchstone in its own right for me personally. If you notice, the branding and title of my blog has changed. I’ve done so to intentionally reflect the true positioning and value of this book. It’s written for champions and executives alike in business, marketing, branding, interactive, service, and communications. It’s designed to help bring everyone to the table.

I’ll write more about it later…but in the meantime, I wanted to share the news…

Connect with Brian Solis: Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Plaxo, or Facebook

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Click the image below to buy the book/poster:

Image Source: Shutterstock


  1. Dawid Pacha says:

    That's fantastic news. Will definitely be worth reading!

  2. wesley83 says:

    Does this mean there is another SXSW book signing in your future?

  3. omgzam says:

    Sweet! Definitely a great read!

  4. lyngraft says:

    Congrats Brian. Sounds engaging 🙂

  5. amandamagee says:

    Congratulations. Before even touching it, the cover reminds me of the things in my life that have motivated, serving to keep me on track. Can't wait!

  6. JackMonson says:

    Perfect title! Looking forward to this.

  7. jeffespo says:

    Hey Brian,

    The Preorder link is coming up with an error.

  8. Lisa Grimm says:

    Brian – Yay!!! Congrats and I can't wait to read it. Hope to get this one signed 🙂

  9. Awesome! Looking forward to another great read Brian- Keep up the excellent work!

  10. vanhoosear says:

    Looks like a great read, Brian! Congrats!

  11. heatherwhaling says:

    Nice, Brian! Congrats. Looking forward to reading the new book!


  12. DanielLove says:

    Congratulations…very exciting news for you! Great cover art too!

  13. Britt Urbach says:

    Congrats on the book! It looks like you've created yet another masterpiece. 😉

  14. Tom Brennan says:

    Look forward to reading the book. I am currently working on a new ground breaking product in the Tennis world. Marketing is always the most important thing.

  15. WOOOOO—Can't wait to see the goodness from all your hard work! Way to crank that. 😉

  16. I look forward to reading it!

  17. Guhmshoo says:

    This is great Brian. For the book signing you should dress up as Jean-Luc Picard. Engage!

  18. tomob says:


    Great title and cover art – can't wait to dig in. Congratulations.


    • briansolis says:

      Thank you so much. It was probably the most challenging part of the process – and it represents the second title and cover art. I'll post the previous one soon. 🙂

  19. DamienBasile says:

    Congratulations on finishing your book so fast! How long did it take? LMK when you're in NYC as I'd love to do a special Digital Somethings for your book launch.

  20. mwlm07 says:

    I will purchase said book once I have completed the others. Also, can I point out that I would pay at least twice that for a year-long subscription to a monthly podcast colloquium with you, a couple other social media voices and then Sven Birkerts/Geoffrey Nunberg/Umberto Eco/Jonathan Culler/etc. discussing wider transformational changes with the advent of new media technologies. Just a thought =) – Mike

  21. Courtenay says:

    Congratulations, Brian! Judging from the exceptional quality of your posts in recent months (research-heavy, thoughtfully written, etc)… I know the book is going to be amazing. Now what's it going to take for a book signing down here in the ATL? You have lots of fans in town… including this girl! 🙂

  22. Congrats. I'm also with Wiley. Clearly I'm in good company! 🙂

  23. Awesome awesome awesome!!! 🙂

  24. Congratulations Brian!! #preordered 🙂

  25. zaneology says:

    In this case, you can definitely judge a book by it's cover when it's by Brian Solis. Great News & Great Cover Art too…


  26. themaria says:

    Wow, so excited for you, Brian! I love the cover art, and I am sure it's even better inside. You are a book-writing dynamo! Can't WAIT to read it!

  27. michaelcummings says:

    Awesome! This is great Brian!

  28. Great news! Look forward to reading it! Cover looks great – and content sounds of the moment!

  29. Congrats Brian! I need to get my review of the first book up and make room for this one.

  30. Congrats Brian!! I will be picking myself up a copy of this for sure… When's the launch?

  31. Congratulations on both the book and your move to Wiley, Brian!! This is terrific news, and I'll be glad to recommend your book(s) to clients and colleagues.

  32. awesome Brian. Can't wait to read it.

  33. Congrats Brian, it looks and sounds great. I'll also be joining you at Wiley in July. Can't wait to read your book.

  34. briansolis says:

    I'll make a formal announcement about that soon! It'll be something truly awesome. 🙂

  35. Huge congratulations, Brian. A massive achievement, especially on a personal note in defining and articulating your own brand and getting it to market. I've learned so much from your posts and look forward to the book immensely. I'll order it today and let others know that its out. Enjoy your relative freedom before the book tour. I'm sure you lost more than a little sleep on the way. Best, Simon mainwaring

  36. scottmonty says:

    Congratulations, Brian! Your long form writing deserves to be highlighted in a more appropriate medium, and I think this is it!

  37. GabrielCarrejo says:

    Sweet! Definitely looking forward to getting my hands on this! “Napa Valley Tweetup featuring Brian Solis book-signing” has a nice ring to it!

  38. annapiechulla says:

    Love it! Writing my Bachelor Thesis concerning this topic! How engagement Marketing impacts on a brand's success and I will also do my own study on this. Would love to get in touch somehow! Getting more and more motivated thanks to you…unfortunately there are too many Profs that don't share this passion 🙁 Looking forward to read it soon!!!

  39. Cassie Rice says:

    Congratulations Brian! I look forward to reading your new book. Will you have a kindle version available?

  40. CatherineVentura says:

    Great title, great cover, and great thinker… cannot wait to read it! Congratulations, Brian!

  41. stefaniemichaels says:

    CONGRATS to a super sweet man! U deserve all the great success this brings! Big Hugs and cheers to you! Much love, Stef

  42. danawormer says:

    Congratulations! I'm looking forward to diving in…any plans for a NEast tour?

  43. danawormer says:

    Hi Brian. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to diving in…and chance of a NEast tour?

  44. Tor Ellingsen says:

    Great news, looking forward to read.

  45. mike wayne says:

    I'll definitely be buying the print book, but any chance of releasing it as an Audiobook Brian? I'm in the car and on the iPod way too much lately so it's easier for me to listen, lol. Congrats on the new book, and here's to continued success, Cheers!


  46. jpostman says:

    Congratulations, Brian. With your insight and talent, this book cannot help but become the standard for the new web marketing industry.

  47. iancleary says:

    Hi Brian,
    I am based in Ireland and really enjoy reading your blog posts. I'll certainly buy your new book. I love the title and picture on the cover by the way and am looking forward to the content. Make sure to let us know when it's available for purchase.
    Kind Regards,

  48. Shane Boyd says:

    Can't wait for the book Brian. Any plans on releasing it via Kindle? Also looking forward to hearing you speak in Sydney soon. See you in Oz..

  49. Just became a fan of you on Facebook. Love the title of the book, totally agree….will pick it up, can't wait to read it.

  50. Jose Huitron says:

    Brian, excellent title! Can't wait to check it out.

  51. amanda_pants says:

    This is very exciting Brian! I look forward to reading it!

  52. Web TV Prep says:

    @aplusk is a genius and so are you to have him write the forward to your book! Kudos!

  53. Congratulations on the new book. Excited to review it and share with my tweeps

  54. Mary Catherine says:

    so excited for you. thank you for sharing!

  55. ivanbabic says:

    great cover design! and great move linking kutcher to your book. definitively worth waiting for it.

    have contents on media convergence as well? (i.e. doing that engagement using f2f digital technologies?)

  56. Jeff Pedone says:

    Great News, Brian. I can't wait to get my copy of your book. As I noted in my bog, “Brian Solis Is Spot On!!” I'll have to write a review as soon as I get a copy. All the best.

  57. Jeff Pedone says:

    Get this book on pre-order today. Solis can be trusted for his views on social media!

  58. Awesome!
    I'm from germany and I loved “Putting the public back in Public Relations”. I'll buy this book, unsighted. Keep up the great work, you're my inspiration, especially when it comes to communications and PR 2.0.

    PS: powered by Ashton Kutcher? the blagirls guy :-)) ..nice nice

  59. Aaron Lee says:

    Will it be sold world wide?

  60. paulgustafson says:

    Really enjoyed the book and your panel at SXSW. I turned a non marketing minded friend of mine to it and he loves it.

  61. Fifth Wheels says:

    but its like they depict engagement is like chaining yourself but its not like that…

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  64. Dikshantlalwani says:

    Is the book enagage available in India too. if so , where and at which book stores of shopping portal.

  65. Michael says:

    just bought this book and barely started to read it and I am already amazed.


  • Cary Bynum says:

    Brian: just bought 6 books. Made it mandatory reading for our folks. Great presentation in Vegas at Greystone conference.

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