Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Blog This! December 1, 2007

Now is Gone, Our Book, Gets a Group on Facebook

Thanks to Peter Corbett who created the group. And also thanks to Jane Quigley for creating a “Product” page for the book on Facebook as well. Buy Now is Gone now!

Great Moments in PR

PR is just getting slammed by bloggers who are right in their complaints about lazy flacks, but wrong in their approach to change things for the better.

Social Media Is Organic

Ike Pigott is awesome in this post that reminds us that Social Media is an organic process

No Writers at the Network? – People Powered Media takes off!

Steve Rosenbaum reminds us that we have the power to dictate the programming that we share online with people looking for relevant content.

Time to write our own rules

Doc Searls, “We need to create our own new rules — ones that protect our privacy while making us better members of the social and business systems we create together.”

The Four Tenets of the Community Manager

Jeremiah Owyang shares 4 tenets of community managers; community advocation, brand ambassadorship, online communication skills, and product requirements gathering and improvements.

The Shameful Strategies Behind Many Viral Videos

Dave Fleet responds brilliantly to Dan Ackerman Greenberg’s guest post at TechCrunch. Greenberg broke the first rule of the Viral Video Club and even continued to show us why companies need to “rethink” their social strategies

The Secret Strategies Behind Many “Viral” Videos

Dan Ackerman Greenberg shows us the darkside of social media and how companies can manipulate people to increase the visibility of “viral videos”

Millennials: Clued in or Clueless?

Marketers are fascinated by Gen Y’s youngest cohort, the Millennials — and with good reason: They are an important market today and will become even more important as they graduate, start jobs, marry and establish households.

The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play

Muhammad Saleem shares his rules to review before playing in the world of Social Media

PayPerPost Bloggers Get Slammed By Google

Duncan Riley puts things in perspective while putting PayPerPost in its place

Top 10 Social Network and Blog Rankings:

Ann Handley guest posts at Rohit Bhargava’s blog to document trends in social networks and blog rankings

Social Media is about breaking down barriers to engage in conversations

Stephanie Weingart uses a quote from my recent post on market conversations vs. conversational marketing as her headline to reinforce the point that genuine participation is marketing.

PR 2.0 Makes Friendly Ghost’s Top 10 List

Brendan Cooper has also done a fantastic job for tracking influencers in online marketing, PR, and communications

Assessing ROP (Return on Participation) and the DemoGOM

Adam Metz rocking it with the ROP meme that I think deserves more attention – and probably will now 😉

A New Age Has Begun

Ryan Holiday knocks this one out of the park. “Why can’t I have a viral movie AND get to control the message?” – It’s all about ceding control!

Are PR People Spammers?

Paul Gillin and David Strom analyze Chris Anderson’s move for calling out PR and the industry reaction

Attention Upgrade

Chris Brogan launches a new show using‘s “Video Blog in a Box” platform to share what has his attention

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