Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

ebook: The Art and Science of Social Media and Community Relations

After running the popular series that evaluated and discussed ThinkFree’s experiment in Social Media, I decided to compile all of the posts into one free and downloadable ebook for your reference.

Download as a Word doc

Download as a PDF

The Series on PR 2.0:

The Art and Science of Social Media and Community Relations

Experiments and Lessons Learned in Social Media Part I

Experiments and Lessons Learned in Social Media Part II

Experiments and Lessons Learned in Social Media Part III

Experiments and Lessons Learned in Social Media Part IV

Experiments and Lessons Learned in Social Media Part V

Connect with me on Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce, Plaxo, or Facebook

6 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “ebook: The Art and Science of Social Media and Community Relations”

  1. Stephanie Booth says:

    Would you also make it available in PDF?

  2. Andy Kaufman says:

    Right on. You guys provided some great info in that series.

    Thanks Brian!

  3. Brian Solis says:

    Hi Stephanie, great idea. Will do. I’ll probably have it ready by Wed. 🙂

    Thank you Andy!

  4. Andre says:

    So awesome! Thank you so much.

  5. Schilderijen says:

    thank you very much

  6. sj10099 says:

    wow, nice effort! –Jubail cheers

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