Part two in a four-part series on innovation and change as the new schools of business management… Jack Dorsey is the co-founder of Twitter and Square. He has since rejoined Twitter as Executive Chairman and will focus on product development to further Twitter’s mainstream appeal. He also remains CEO of Square. What follows is my uncut interview with Dorsey for a recent Entrepreneur Magazine cover story. Maybe you have to have helped conceive Twitter to be bold enough to take…
The Dilemma’s Innovator: Innovation and Change as the New Pillars of Business
If necessity is the mother of invention, then perhaps imagination is the source of innovation. In December 2010, I was given the opportunity to write the cover story for Entrepreneur Magazine. The article, “Change: Lessons on What’s Next,” explored the innovation behind three (well four) companies — Foursquare, Square + Twitter, and Zappos. Throughout the years, I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with Dennis Crowley, Jack Dorsey and Tony Hsieh. And over that time, I’ve observed inherent traits that…
Happy 5th Birthday @Twitter: A look at Twitter’s growth by the numbers
Five years ago today, Twitter’s @Jack published the very first Tweet, the first of billions of Tweets that would eventually change the way millions of people share, learn, and communicate. While other news media (Twitter included) report that Jack’s first Tweet simply stated, “inviting coworkers” – the first tweet on record by @jack actually read, “just setting up my twttr.” That same Tweet was published by all employees at a time when Twitter was actually known as Twttr. In five…
Revolution Season 2: Technorati’s Richard Jalichandra on the State and Future of Social Media
Technorati dates back to 2002, originally launched as a search directory for the blogosphere. By 2008, Technorati was indexing 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media. In 2011, Technorati Media has become a full-fledged new media network. Every year, the company releases a State of the Blogosphere report that consistently documents the rise and evolution of the blogosphere. While there’s always debate that Twitter and emerging classes of microblogs threaten the blogosphere, Technorati shows that…
Twitter Isn’t Journalism, Or Is It? Perhaps It’s the Wrong Question to Ask
I was asked to enter the Bloomberg BusinessWeek Debate Room to make the case “for” Twitter as a platform for journalism – at least that’s how I interpreted it. On the other side, ScribbleLive CEO Michael De Monte debates why it is “for the birds.” But before we get too far down the path, let’s frame the discussion. The original debate topic posed by BusinessWeek, “Twitter Isn’t Journalism, Or Is It?” is a bit misleading and honestly, I think it’s…
Click Your Way Through the Twitterverse
Guest post by Laura Fitton (@pistachio), founder, Back in 2009 when @oneforty was a mere gleam in my eye and Twitter for Business was barely understood, our friend and advisor Brian Solis teamed up with @Jess3 to map the newly-exploding Twitterverse. Their 2011 Twitterverse organizes the chaos by function. IF you have time to search through the complex graphic, look up the items, try to discern which tools are right for your business… getting tired yet? That just got a lot easier….
The Interest Graph on Twitter is Alive: Studying Starbucks Top Followers
Social media is maturing as are the people embracing its most engaging tools and networks. Perhaps most notably, is the maturation of relationships and how we are expanding our horizons when it comes to connecting to one another. What started as the social graph, the network of people we knew and connected to in social networks, is now spawning new branches that resemble how we interact in real life. This is the era of the interest graph – the expansion…
Malcolm Gladwell, Your Slip is Showing
Solidarity Time is always limited, but in these historic times, I wished to add perspective in the hopes of moving this important conversation in a productive direction. Malcolm Gladwell continues his march toward dissension with his latest installment in the New Yorker about social media vs. social activism. Honestly, Gladwell is more than welcome to share his thoughts as it is a democratized information economy after all. I do find it alarming however, that he is wielding his influence through…
Are you a content consumer or creator?
You’ll soon learn why I’m posting shorter, but more frequent posts…In the mean time, I wanted to share with you something I’ve been thinking quite a bit about these days. Think about the generation or two before us. A significant portion of free time was spent consuming media. From print to broadcast, everyday people simply digested information and content presented to them. But then, everything changed. We were gifted with the ability to share what we think, feel, and experience,…
Exploring the Twitterverse
Happy New Year! Twitter officially launched to the public in July 2006. By 2008, the universe of applications developed to enhance the Twitter experience was boundless. While the ecosystem was burgeoning with apps, the ability to track and manage the apps designed for specific purposes was elusive. I spent the better part of Fall 2008 studying and organizing the available Twitter apps available for new marketing, community management, and customer service professionals. Once organized, I published Twitter Tools for Marketing…