Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: tim o’reilly

Web3 sets the stage for challenger and legacy businesses to create new economic value and transform consumers into investors

Web3 sets the stage for challenger and legacy businesses to create new economic value and transform consumers into investors

Beyond the hype, Web 3.0 is creatingĀ opportunities for incumbent and emerging businesses to reimagine operational models andĀ products/assets that are open, collaborative, and collective. The same could also be true for governments. The difference with Web3 and previous incarnations of internet protocols models is that platforms are decentralized, open and ubiquitous, connected by trustless networks, and powered by encrypted, accountable distributed ledgers. Think Facebook or Google owning and monetizing content and data versus users. In these applications, user engagement and attention…

Newsflash: There are more men than women speaking about tech

Guest post by Cathy Brooks, read her blog | follow her on Twitter There are more men than women in the tech and new media sectors… I know. Shocking. Joking aside, I thought it was time to take a slightly different whack at the conversational kerfuffle thatā€™s percolated yet again in recent weeks. Yes, that seemingly unsinkable subject ā€“ the lack of women on the tech industry speaking circuit. So when Brian Solis graciously offered me the opportunity to guest…

Breathing New Life into Dying Web 2.0 Start-ups

On Sunday, Dead 2.0 ran an amusing, yet poignant article that should slap Web 2.0 CEOs and marketers with a dose of reality. What started as methodologies and technologies to enhance the dynamic between site, applications and their users has blown up into what many are calling Dotbomb 2.0. The evolution of Web 2.0 is out of control now that the marketers have gotten a hold of it. Todayā€™s self appointed Web 2.0 leaders are really nothing at all close…