Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: tech

Digital Transformation and the Questions I Never Hear

Following my presentation at LeWeb about the nuances between iteration, innovation and disruption (and the impact of each), I was invited to the business pavilion to share my views on digital transformation. The host for the conversation was my dear friend Benjamin Costantini. Before we could get settled, Ben brought a bottle of champagne on stage, two glasses, we toasted and the discussion started…on the right foot, or taste, I should say. I know he knows my passion for champagne. But perhaps…

Racing IndyCars with Team Penske and Hitachi

Racing IndyCars with Team Penske and Hitachi

On August 30th, 2015, I dropped the top on my 1960s Corvette Sting Ray, fired up the 427 and made my way from Silicon Valley to Sonoma Raceway for the big IndyCar race finale. For those who don’t know, I am enamored with cars and have been since I was old enough to play with Hot Wheels. I remember obsessively washing my hands before and after too. In fact, my parents still tease me about it to this day because…

Internet of Things is Here: What’s Your IoT Strategy?

Internet of Things is Here: What’s Your IoT Strategy?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is so much more than smart refrigerator that tell you when you need to go to the grocery store, wearables that track your steps or the smart watches you’re thinking about not getting. It’s the nervous system that sends and tracks important information between things, places and people. From smarter industrial applications to cities to health care to home automation to automobiles and everything in between, IoT is changing not only your personal life, but…

Make Change Work for You: The Power of Observation

Make Change Work for You: The Power of Observation

I’m a pretty private person usually. From time to time though, I share stories about my past to help others take their next step. This is one such case. Scott Steinberg is a good friend and the other of several books including his most recent title, Make Change Work for You. We chatted recently about lessons learned over the years. I wanted to share our conversation with you here… Scott Steinberg: You’ve been tremendously successful in your career. Would you call yourself…

Disrupt or Be Disrupted: Welcome To The Disruption Revolution

Disrupt or Be Disrupted: Welcome To The Disruption Revolution

Sometime toward the end of last year, I spent some time with David Passiak (@Passiak), author of Red Bull to Buddha: Innovation and the Search for Wisdom. At the time, he was leading an ambitious project to connect over 20 innovators in the tech startup world and share their perspectives in one, free, book…Disruption Revolution: Innovation, entrepreneurship and the new rules of leadership. The book takes a case study, thematic approach that moves beyond buzzwords and industry jargon [thank goodness]…

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn of Entrepreneurship

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn of Entrepreneurship

Understanding the investment process in Silicon Valley used to require membership to a very exclusive club of investors, plugged-in media and experienced entrepreneurs. Adeo Ressi sought to change that. After starting seven successful companies that created over $2 billion in shareholder value he was faced with diminishing equity with each new company he would start. In 2007, Ressi unveiled the anonymously backed in 2007 to shine a light on the situation to improve the human and financial relationships between…

Never Say Never: How Loic Le Meur turns startups into successful experiences

All eyes are on innovation hot spots around the world. But it’s not just about hot startups, soaring investments, and mind-blowing exits, it’s about the series of common traits that inspire entrepreneurialism. Vision, determination, creativity, salesmanship and the relentless pursuit of communities is something that not only applies to entrepreneurs but also intrapreneurs within small and large organizations. The truth is that in times of innovation, everyone must think about what we do today and how it can be done…

Is the Golden Age of tech blogging over?

My colleague Jeremiah Owyang sure ruffled some feathers with his post claiming that the Golden Age of tech blogging is over. Aside from being a mentor and a tireless analyst, he’s also a long-time blogger. His words over the years helped blaze the trail for blogging and ultimately the micromedia bonanza that he believes is contributing to the erosion of long-form social prose. In his article, he quotes good friends Loic Lemeur, Ben Metcalfe, Ben Parr, Francine Hardaway, Chris Heuer…

Newsflash: There are more men than women speaking about tech

Guest post by Cathy Brooks, read her blog | follow her on Twitter There are more men than women in the tech and new media sectors… I know. Shocking. Joking aside, I thought it was time to take a slightly different whack at the conversational kerfuffle that’s percolated yet again in recent weeks. Yes, that seemingly unsinkable subject – the lack of women on the tech industry speaking circuit. So when Brian Solis graciously offered me the opportunity to guest…

I AM A GEEK Video Unites Geeks to Improve Education in Underprivileged Countries

If you don’t know Shira Lazar, you should. She is by far one of the most intelligent, creative and passionate people that I know and I’m proud to have her as a friend. During Demo09 in March, I had an opportunity to sit with Shira to discuss new ideas and opportunities to collaborate and concentrate those efforts towards something more meaningful than self-promotion. The lobby at the JW Marriott in Palm Desert was buzzing with the latest news from startups,…

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