Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: steve+jobs

From Art to Innovation: The Hidden Connection Between Picasso, Steve Jobs, and Apple

From Art to Innovation: The Hidden Connection Between Picasso, Steve Jobs, and Apple

In December 1945 ā€” January 1946, Picasso created ā€œLe Taureauā€ or ā€œThe Bullā€, a series of 11 stone prints that painstakingly explored the purest essence of a bull. With each successive print, a bull is simplified and abstracted. It is considered as an iconic representation of absolute simplicity. In 2008, Steve Jobs set out to teach employees at Apple this philosophy. ā€œYou have to deeply understand the essence of a product in order to be able to get rid of…

Experience Innovation – Designing for the X Factor in Customer Experience

Experience Innovation – Designing for the X Factor in Customer Experience

Coming up in Silicon Valley during the 90s and early 2000s was special for a geek like me. I moved to Northern California from LA in 1996. Tech and startups were at the time fledgling in Los Angeles but still exciting. I would later return to help catalyze the startup ecosystem. My goal at the time was to plug into the startup garage capital of the world. By then, there were already storied landmarks that one would have to visit….

The Perception Gap: what customers want and what executives think they want [infographic]

In February, the team at Pivot released a revealing research report that documented the increasing gap between marketer and customers. I referred to this as the Great Divide or theĀ  ā€œThe Perception Gap,ā€ the distance between what customers want in social media and what executives think they want. In collaboration with Barnickel Design, weā€™ve just released this infographic that visualizes the extent of the perception gap between social consumers and social businesses. Following this report and in many interviews I’ve…

Crisis Communications 2.0 – Apple and the iPhone Price Bomb

One week following the aftermath, it’s worth another look to dissect and analyze what went right and what went horribly wrong in order for PR people to understand how to prevent crises and also know how to react when they inevitably arise. Gasp. Is it true? Can apple actually “do” wrong? Yes indeed, but before you can call em on it, Steve Jobs swoops in and saves the day, again. Yes, we all know by now that Apple reduced the…

Office 2.0 Conference To Prove iPhone is Business Ready – All Attendees Get One

When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone at Macworld earlier this year he immediately justified its position as a smarter, revolutionary phone for those who wanted the next generation multimedia and communications experience without worry of whether or not it was a legitimate business tool. Indeed itā€™s revolutionary. It will inspire change in not only the mobile industry, but in anything that runs an OS. The iPhone changed the game. As an iPhone user who was initially disappointed with the lack…

iPhone for Dummies, 48 Hours with an iPhone

The iPhone is considered to be one of the most successful product launches in history. Although I’ve heard some incredibly, almost unbelievably gushing praise of the iPhone, I opted not to buy one while documenting the mania of iLines at the Palo Alto and San Francisco stores. But then a series of interesting events unfolded, as if I almost subconsciously set them in motion in order to justify the purchase of an iPhone. Last week, while loading the car, I…