Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: social

Paul Gillin on Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

Paul Gillin at Blogworld Expo I’ve rigorously followed Paul Gillin over the years. Gillin is a long-time technology journalist who’s worked almost exclusively online since 1999. He was founding editor-in-chief of TechTarget, which was one of the most successful new media entities to debut on the Web. Before that, he served as editor-in-chief and executive editor of the technology weekly Computerworld for 15 years. In 2007, Gillin released The New Influencers and in 2008 he released Secrets of Social Media…

Evolution is Evolution

Special thanks to Adam Singer for this inspirational slideshow, “Inspirational Quotes Remixed.” Adam included a quote from my post, “The Social Revolution is Our Industrial Revolution…” Evolution is evolution – and it’s happened before us and will continue after we’re gone. But, what’s taking place now is much more than change for the sake of change. The socialization of content creation, consumption and participation, is hastening the metamorphosis that transforms everyday people into participants of a powerful and valuable media…

Micro Disruption Theory and The Social Effect

Relationships are so much more than the mere act of following or friending someone on Twitter or any social network for that matter. It’s the balladry of transcending online connections into real world relationships. It’s the cadence of interaction and the poetry of conversations that empower the human network and the escalation of the Social Economy. On Social Networks we’re bound by context and not necessarily by the relationships that link us in the real world. We listen to relevant…

Jay Rosen on Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

Jay Rosen is a leading and innovative authority and one of my favorite voices on the subject of new media and journalism. I’ve admired his writing and vision for several years and often reference his work. Jay Rosen teaches Journalism at New York University, where has been on the faculty since 1986. Rosen is the author of PressThink, a weblog about journalism and its ordeals, which he introduced in September 2003. He also blogs at the Huffington Post. I’m humbled…


To celebrate the availability of my new book with Deirdre Breakenridge, Putting the Public Back in Public Relations, renowned cartoonist, good friend, and perpetual source of intellectual inspiration, Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid) created an original and brilliantly poignant drawing. The essence of his visualization, Public RELATIONS, serves as the foundation and theme for the entire book. Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is written for the those facing the new intersection of all that is rooted in Public Relations including…

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is Now Available

I almost can’t believe that this day is finally here… Deirdre Breakenridge and I proudly announce the availability of our new book, “Putting the Public Back in Public Relations: How Social Media is Reinventing the Aging Business of PR.” The book is in stock at Amazon, the Amazon Kindle store, Barnes & Noble, Safari, and bookstores everywhere. Deirdre and I spent a good part of the last year pouring our heart, soul, and real world successes and failures into this…

Curate Expert Content with My.Alltop

Guy Kawasaki’s Alltop media empire continues to rapidly expand. If you don’t already know about it, Alltop is essentially a curated online magazine rack featuring thousands of sources, organized by industry or topic, to provide “aggregation without aggravation.” Kawasaki and team recently introduced My.Alltop, which enables viewers to build a custom news page sourced from the qualified pundits and sources on any given topic that interests you. It’s reminiscent of NetVibes, but features only crowdsourced voices as a way of…

Introducing FriendFilter, A Better Way to Make Friends on Twitter

A few weeks ago, I alluded to a new Twitter application that would eventually debut to help qualify the people who follow you on Twitter. Good friend and developer extraordinaire Christopher Peri and I proudly introduce FriendFilter in Beta. I’ve collaborated with Peri in the past to develop @microPR (along with Stowe Boyd), MicroJobs, and other apps soon to be released. His vision and technical prowess are ahead of many and I’m lucky to know him. FriendFilter improves the signal…

Twitter and Social Networks Usher in a New Era of Social CRM

In a conversation recently with good friend Jeremiah Owyang, he encouraged and motivated me to finally publish this post… Over the last decade, Social Media has slowly evolved not only as a new content publishing, sharing, and discovery medium, but more importantly as a peer-to-peer looking glass into the real world conversations that affect the perception, engagement, and overall direction of the brands we represent. Socialized media didn’t invent “conversations,” it simply organized and amplified them. My foray into the…

The Human Network: The Social Economy is influenced by Online and Offline Connections

I’m just returning from yet another year at the SXSW Interactive festival. The Geek Spring Break as its called is where thousands of digerati storm Austin Texas to learn, share and celebrate what I call the Social Economy. It’s something so special that I often struggle to truly capture and convey the emotional essence and inspirational spirit that brings together innovation, ideas, and the people who galvanize change and evolution. While the economy has crippled or altogether eliminated travel to…

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