Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: Social Media

Thanks to Ryan Clark Holiday for His Post on The Future of PR

Thank you to Ryan Clark Holiday for his post yesterday discussing the future of pr. Per Ryan’s post… I’ve been trying to articulate my thoughts on where I think PR is heading in both the near and distant future. I was having trouble and then I found Brian Solis’ post on the matter and realized I didn’t have to write it anymore. He did it for me. “For far too long, PR has operated behind a wall, spamming media with…

Comment, Community, and/or Conversational Marketing, Will the Real CM Please Stand Up?

Of all the forms of traditional and new media marketing, blogs continue to evolve as the global exchange for sharing ideas, opinions and interpretations across all industries. So much so, that yet another old online strategy is being dolled up as a new trend, extending the original practice of participation from traditional forums into the blogosophere. Some call it conversational marketing or community marketing, as rooted in the almighty Web 2.0 bible Cluetrain Manifesto, while others flock behind comment marketing…

Back to the Future – Beyond Web 2.0

Last week, Nandor Fejer and Alison McNeill attended the Back to the Future – Beyond Web 2.0 event in Silicon Valley while I attended DEMO 07. Moderator: Jeremiah Owyang, Director of Corporate Media Strategy at Speakers: Harry McCracken, Vice President/Editor in Chief at PC WORLD Sean Ness, Co-Founder, STIRR & Business Development Manager at Institute for the Future Dmitriy KruglyakCEO & Community Steward, Trusted.MD Network The event was hosted by the Silicon Valley Web Builder (SVWB). Their mission is…

Are You Talking to Me? Taking the BS Out of Business Blogging

Blogging is nothing new, yet it is still highly underrated and misunderstood by Corporate America. Note, this isn’t written for the legions of social media-savvy professionals, this is aimed at those looking for the right way to participate.Although many of the same tools and strategies that make blogging so popular and influential are now starting to force new channels of business-to-business communications, most corporations are either slow to respond or treat it as the bastard step child of marketing. Today…

Don’t Kill the Press Release, Shoot the Messenger

Taking a step back from the highly publicized and globally viewed online game show series, “Get It or Don’t Get It,” I am still shaking my head wondering at what point the communications industry stopped paying attention to the need for evolution. Millions of bloggers (not to mention journalists) use traditional releases to write stories everyday. Customers read SEO press releases in Yahoo and Google to make decisions. The idea behind the new media release is to improve the foundation,…

DEMO 07 Though Pictures

I’m at DEMO – unofficially working with Ephraim Schwartz and Steve Fox of Infoworld. I’m snapping a ton of pictures and they’re running them in online stories and their DEMO slideshows. Pictures are worth a thousand words….so, I’ve decided to cover DEMO as more of a photo journalist than a live blogger. UPDATE: Here’s a link to the entire album of 300 pictures from the event. I’ll write a more formal review of the show – post DEMO unfortunately –…


Photo Credit: Rob Lee Well, I’m getting ready to head on over to Palm Spring to attend the DEMO Conference. Now in its 17th year, the DEMO conferences are known for launching important new technologies into the national consciousness. DEMO 07, taking place January 30 – February 1 in Palm Desert, CA, will introduce 68 carefully vetted products andservices to an audience of investors, business development executives, media, pundits, and fellow entrepreneurs. DEMO features a mix of both consumer-oriented and…

Silicon Valley NewTech Meetup – January 2007

by Alison McNeill of FutureWorks Now with over 959 members, the Silicon Valley NewTech Meetups are bigger than ever. That’s great news for companies like the ones below who want to get noticed. This meetup tool place in Palo Alto, where roughly 100 gathered to hear about some of the hottest emerging companies on the Web 2.0 scene. Drumroll please. First we have… CoFounder: Kai XuinChorus is a platform for collaborating on projects with thousands of other people on the…

Media 2.0 Workgroup Forms – Joining the Conversation

Web2.0 has a workgroup, and now those dedicated to advancing the world of democratized media, now have the Media 2.0 Workgroup. The Workgroup is a collection of shared voices in the New Media landscape. You can subscribe via one feed or grab the OPML. “The Media 2.0 Workgroup is a group of industry commentators, agitators and innovators who believe that the phenomena of democratic participation will change the face of media creation, distribution and consumption. Join the conversation…” – Chris…

PR in the Long Tail

In hispost, “Long Tail PR: how to do publicity without a press release (or the press),” ChrisAnderson asks “But what of the Long Tail of media–all those new influentials, from the micromedia of Techcrunch and Gizmodo to individual bloggers? And the social news aggregators like Digg and our own Reddit? They’re where the most powerful sort of marketing–word of mouth–starts, but most of them don’t want to hear from a PR person at all.” Exactly. Who wants to hear from…

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