Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: publicity

Get Rich Quick with Social Media Marketing

I guess Social Media has arrived and I should say that I’m not surprised by some of the things I see these days. It was bound to happen. Really good friend, and someone I admire, Erica O’Grady, pointed me to a very interesting conference coming up that has temporarily deflated my hopes for elevating and empowering marketing communications passionate marketers along with it. The conference is not in any way, attempting to mask its intentions… How To Use Blogs, Podcasts,…

Wire Services Bypass Bloggers and Journalists

Whether you like it or not, the headline is true… Looks like I wasn’t the only one to receive an interesting email from BusinessWire, ReadWriteWeb already ran a story about it. BusinessWire is a press release wire service that, among other things, is one of the largest players in the industry for distributing news and content between PR and journalists, analysts, bloggers, investors, and other wire subscribers. Basically, BusinessWire is proactively claiming that companies and marketers can use the distribution…

Social Media Releases In Action

I recently ran “The Definitive Guide to Social Media Releases,” which has received some great feedback. Thank you everyone! Even though it’s a blog post, it doesn’t mean that its shelf life is merely limited to the brief period of time in between new posts. I’d like it to live on and evolve over time as we learn more about SMRs. And, you’re a big part of that evolution. I was planning on letting that post sit up there for…

The Definitive Guide to Social Media Releases

The Social Media Release is back in the spotlight once again and its sparking conversations, inspiring experiments, and raising confusion along the way. This time, intent and distribution take center stage. Good friends Todd Defren and Christopher Lynn took the time to research how wire services are positioning their products for Social Media. Todd posted the results here. Great work guys! Basically, when you call your local representative, you’re presented with the following capabilities. Now, whether these stats are accurate,…

Alltop Aggregates Influential Voices Across the Web

  I was alerted earlier by good friend Todd Defren, that I have been included in the Alltop index of top sites on the Web. Wow, thank you! I don’t know what to say. It’s a pretty incredible group of voices and I’m more than flattered to be included. So, allow me to officially introduce Guy Kawasaki‘s latest startup, Alltop. Guy at last year’s Gnomedex Like POPURLs, Alltop aggregates stories from “all the top” sites on the Web. They’ve grouped…

Transforming Customers into Evangelists: The Art of Listening and Engagement

I recently hosted a workshop at the Satisfaction event, Customer Service is the New Marketing. The topic I’m focused on was, “How to Listen to the Market and How to Engage Customers Online.” Fellow workshop leaders include Christopher Carfi, Deb Schultz, Chris Heuer, Jeremiah Owyang, Becky Carroll, and Douglas Hanna. Empowering your customers to become an extension of your marketing and sales forces isn’t new, but it isn’t widely embraced either. In fact, the function of most customer service has…

THE SEMMYS Recognize The Social Media Manifesto

I guess I must have been running a bit too fast lately, because I missed the fact that “The Social Media Manifesto, The Future of Corporate Communications,” made the finals for THE SEMMYS. Had I known, I would have asked for your help during the voting process 😉 THE SEMMYS tracks and ranks the year’s best posts in search engine marketing. Quite honestly, I was happy to be included in the finals. The manifesto finished as a runner up to…

PR People: Do As I Say, and, As I Do

…bloggers, reporters, that goes for you too. Tom Foremski and me at a recent PRSA event, holding “Now is Gone” You’ve heard it a million times. Read the work of the person you’re trying to reach before you pitch them. Sometimes we do. Most of the time we don’t. And, we’ve all witnessed what happens when you don’t – thank you very much Mr. Chris Anderson. Tom Foremski is not only a brilliant journalist, videographer, and blogger, he is also…

The Evolution of Social Media Releases

The conversation about Social Media Releases (SMRs) as well as the tools to create them continue – albeit slowly. Each time someone introduces something new, we place a new stake in the ground and reignite an important conversation. Maggie Fox released a new Social Media service called Digital Snippits(tm). Congratulations Maggie, it’s a very polished and useful solution that will help your clients expand their options when running proactive communications campaigns. And, I’m being genuine when I say that Maggie…

BrandWeek Runs My First Article: You Are the Online Brand in 2008

My first article for BrandWeek is now online, originally entitled, “In 2008 the Online Brand to Focus on is You.” Here’s an excerpt: Yes, it’s a new year. And no, this isn’t another “Top trends for 2008” piece. For the last 12 years, you’ve been reading how to leverage online tools to amplify visibility for company brands. In 2007, it was all about how to leverage Social Media to “engage” brands, and the people behind them, in the “conversation.” Well,…

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