Source: Shutterstock Happy New Year! Well, this is it. The final installment of the most read, shared, and discussed posts of 2009. I hope that Part X as well as the other nine parts help you to leap into 2010 with confidence, inspiration, and direction. Let the education and stimulus continue this year… The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part X 1. Is Facebook Losing its Coveted Demographic? 2. Thereâs an App for That: Mobile is the Next Frontier for Brand…
The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part IX
Source: Shutterstock Happy New Year! The closure of 2009 sparked a series of important news and events that only seemed to further the evolution of Social Media rather than subsiding and waiting for a new year. Your path in 2010 is defined by the knowledge you’ve amassed and embraced. It affects not only where you are, but where you’re going and how long it will take to get there. The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part IX 1. The Rapid Evolution…
The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VIII
Source: Shutterstock Happy New Year! Welcome to 2010…this is your year. Let’s build upon the lessons we learned in 2009 in order to help us continue on our journey towards earned relevance. The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VIII 1. The Second Life of Second Life 2. The Science of Retweets on Twitter 3. Teens Adopting Twitter 4. Social Media Accounts for 18% of Information Search Market 5. The Future of the Social Web 6. The Competition for Your Social…
The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VII
Source: Shutterstock As 2009 comes to a close, we’re inspired to take what we learned this year and apply it to the uncharted year that lies ahead. Our resolutions for 2010 must include learning and participation. With an open mind and an open heart, we can continue to learn, grow, and in turn, teach those around us to make 2010 a banner year for new media literacy and change. The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VII 1. One in Five…
The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part V
Source: Shutterstock 2009 represented a quantum leap in publishing for me. It was the first time in the years that I’ve been writing and blogging that I challenged myself to publish at a greater frequency, depth, and volume. Here are some of my favorites… The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part V 1. Identifying and Connecting with Influencers 2. Full Disclosure: Sponsored Conversations on Twitter Raise Concerns, Prompt Standards 3. Iâm Not Talking to You 4. Everything You Never Knew About…
Social Media is Rife with Experts but Starved of Authorities
Perhaps Lewis Carroll was peering into the looking glass when he wrote âThrough the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There.â In it, we were introduced to Tweetle Dum and Tweetle Dee, a curious duo that always shared a fruitful, entertaining, and complementary conversational exchange even though they always agreed to battle each other. Some suggest that the significance of Aliceâs encounter with the twins explores how curiosity leads to the unknown and therefore, may not be worthy of…
Twitter Flutters into Mainstream Culture: The New Competition for Attention Starts with You
Source Following the solo media vs. traditional media race that led Twitter into both relevance and irrelevance, the result is that the carefully guarded community and its unique culture are now permanently altered â for better or for worse. According to estimates sourced by Engadget Editor-in-Chief Ryan Block, Twitter grew by 1.2 million users simply as a result of the âOprah-effect.â TechCrunch’s MG Siegler also explored the process for estimating Twitterâs path into the mainstream. What does 1.2 million new…
In the Statusphere, A.D.D. Creates Opportunities for Collaboration and Education
Source It’s been an incredible week for stats, demographics, and authority trends related to Social Media this week. The Social Web is our Industrial Revolution and our Renaissance period. It is at the very least completely transforming how we communicate with each other and how we also discover and share content. Twitter, Facebook News Feeds, FriendFeed and other micro communities that define the Statusphere, are captivating and distracting our focus. But, while many argue that it’s decreasing productivity, I say…
Humanizing Social Networks: Revealing the People Powering Social Media
Compete: Top 25 Social Networks Social Networks are among the most powerful examples of socialized media. They create a dynamic ecosystem that incubates and nurtures relationships between people and the content they create and share. As these communities permeate and reshape our lifestyle and how we communicate with one another, weâre involuntarily forcing advertisers and marketers to rapidly evolve how they vie for our attention. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Yelp, and other online communities transformed the regimen and practice of marketing…
Are Blogs Losing Their Authority To The Statusphere?
What follows is the unedited Director’s Cut of my latest post on TechCrunch, “Are Blogs Losing Their Authority To The Statusphere?” My definition of Statusphere. Source Depending on which numbers you source or believe, all reports agree that the blogosphere continues to expand globally. As the leading blog directory and search engine, Technorati maintains a coveted Authority Index which is considered amongst bloggers as the benchmark for measuring their rank and selling their position within the blogosphere. Authority is defined…