Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Brian Solisā€™ SXSW 2019 Lifescale Launch Party Praised on NICKSAV Film & Music Show Podcast

Brian Solisā€™ SXSW 2019 Lifescale Launch Party Praised on NICKSAV Film & Music Show Podcast

Solisā€™ launch party for Lifescale at SXSW 2019 was singled out for special praise on podcaster Nick Savidesā€™ NICKSAV Film & Music Show ( covering the festival. On an episode called “Notable, Films Music and Experiences,” Savides says that Solisā€™ earnest presentation helped him center himself and be present amidst an even that can be full of chaos, distractions and the feeling of having to rush off to the next event. The host was impressed by Solisā€™ philosophy of taking…