I joined Chris Heuer, Tom Foremski, and Shel Holtz for the latest edition of the NMRCast (New Media Release) for Shel’s award-winning For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast. This was a interesting and informative episode that not only discussed the future of the NMR but also current examples by Todd Defren, Shel Holtz, and my agency, FutureWorks, as well as Todd‘s recent post regarding Top 5 Principles of Social Media News Releases. NMRCast #7 – “Real-world implementations” is available online here….
Vocus Acquires PRWeb – PR 1.0 + PR 2.0 = New Media Relations
…well that’s until New Media Relations becomes PR and the next big thing becomes NMR. Today, Vocus announced that it acquired PRWeb. Now things are getting very interesting! Thanks to Jason Baptiste, co-founder of Weblogwire for sending along the information. Hey Jason, keep up the visibility and the PR for the PR! Maybe you’re next…. Vocus snagged PRWeb (an alternative news and information distribution service) for its proprietary SEO tools and team of specialized editors that deliver a unique level…