Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: media 2.0

Link Love for Sept. 5, 2007

WebJungle:Markets are conversations – but not all conversations are marketing. 2.0 is Dead PCWorld:Don’t ban Facebook at work according to researchers Stephanie Agresta:I’m a geek marketer and proud of it! User First Web: Ablog about putting people before technology (worth a read).

Posts Worth Reading

Jeremiah Owyang: What the Web Strategist Should Know About Twitter Geoff Livingston: Now is Gone – Sources for the Book Scott Karp: Google News Hosting Wire Service Stories Diminishes Value Of Duplicate Content Is Mark Zuckerberg the New Bill Gates? Startup Schwag: Bringing back the schwag Ross Mayfield: Status Contests and Attention Aggregators AdAge/Steve Rubel: As Technology Develops, So Does Role of Geek Marketers (I think this is off base, but you be the judge).

Social Media is About Sociology Not Technology

The future of engagement introduces sociology into the marketing strategy. Technology is just that, technology. The tools will change. The networks will evolve. Mediums for distributing content will grow. Along with it, behavior will too continue to adapt. In the era of the attention crash and social network fatigue, it is absolutely critical that we step back to realize that we are the communication bridge between companies and people. However, we also must realize that in the era of social…

Channels Will Improve the Twitter Experience

I’ve been following Chris Messina‘s and Stowe Boyd’s discussion on creating pseudo channels for Twitter. I find this extremely interesting because the volume of users and tweets are well beyond overwhelming it it makes it difficult to track, discover, and participate in relevant and interesting conversations. Messina and Boyd aren’t talking about groups as we know them in other social networks per se, but more along the lines of parsing information to specific assemblies of people around a common topic….

New Media Meets Old Media – Blogger & Podcaster Magazine Debuts

In an interesting twist of media, bloggers and podcasters now have something to read when wifi or EVDO is unavailable. Blogger & Podcaster is the first monthly business print and online magazine written “exclusively for serious bloggers and podcasters.” The premier issue features Robert Scoble discussing his foray into video podcasting. Read the first issue online here. The format is very rich and unique. I actually read through the issue, cover to cover. “blogger & podcast magazine” blogger&podcast magazine blogger…

Twitter Me This, Is Jaiku a Threat? Let’s Ask Those Defining the Landscape

vs. Breaking news! Ok not really. But Leo Laporte jumping ship and joining Jaiku has definitely sparked controversy. And, it set the stage for a series of discussions comparing and contrasting Twitter and Jaiku – thus leaving behind the few other competitors that seem to miss these important discussions online. It all started with Leo Laporte broadcasting a goodbye from Twitter – “Goodbye Twitter and Hello Jaiku.” The reigning king of Twitter, with over 4,400 followers, indeed left the community…

Geoff Livingston Interviews Me for Diary of an Ad Man

I recently conducted an interview with Geoff Livingston who authors the well known blog, “Diary of an Ad Man.” We covered a wide range of hot topics including PR 2.0, Silicon Valley vs. the rest of the world, Web 2.0, the future bust, Social Media, Media 2.0, Corporate Blogging, and how to fix the PR industry. It not an easy discussion on any of these fronts, but it definitely ignites thinking and also warrants several individual posts. Here’s the intro:…

Extending My Support to Kathy Sierra, Maryam Scoble, and All Victims of Threats and Bashing

I can add nothing that hasnā€™t been said in the worldwide, frightening discussion regarding the death threats made to Kathy Sierra and the unnecessary bashing of Maryam Scoble and other bloggers through hate posts and comments. It is absolutely sickening that anyone would have to live life afraid of leaving their own home or have their brilliance silenced because their health is severely affected by fear. Anonymity is unfortunately a cloak of courage which shrouds some people with a false-sense…

Infoworld to Fold Print Edition – Will Remain Online

IDG is expected to announce that it will stop publishing the print edition of Infoworld, its enterprise-focused technology weekly magazine. Reports from Valleywag and Sam Whitmore’s Media Survey also have confirmed rumors. Infoworld has provided technical analysis and reviews on key products, solutions, and technologies for almost three decades. This is not unlike every challenge that most tech magazines, and magazines in general, face in the current shift to online, socialized media. In the last boom, many publications profited from…

Journalism is not Dead, but Newspapers are Dying

On the heels of Infoworld’s news that it is shuttering its print version and shifting its business towards events and online publishing, Tim O’Reilly reports that the San Francisco Chronicle is also in dire straits. Indeed, traditional journalism is a dead man walking, but don’t confuse newspapers with news. Reporting news on the other hand, is thriving in ways never before possible thanks to blogs, communities, networks, everywhere messaging, and everything else that defines the pervasive social media landscape. According…

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