Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: listen

In A Down Economy, Tomorrow’s Leaders are Born Today

Thomas Kinkade According to news makers, analysts, and experts and their constituents, the sky is falling. You can’t run away or hide from this very grim reality. While we are in throes of a major financial crisis, it is during the most difficult of times when character is truly tested and defined. Panic only leads to the further declination and eradication of progress. Yes the market is slipping. Yes, the financial market is resetting. But the U.S economy, actually, the…

The State of Social Media 2008

Source I’ve been on a recent whirlwind speaking tour recently, sharing and learning all things related to the socialization of marketing and service as well as how to measure these new strategies and tactics. From San Diego to New York to SF back to New York and then Vegas and SF again, I was reminded that no matter how grand an expert one purports to be, the truth is that we’re all still trying to figure this out as it…

The Socialization of Your Personal Brand – TOC

In the era of the Social Web, practically everything we create and share online is open to public discovery, interpretation, and feedback – positive, neutral and negative. While we can’t control perception, we can control what we share online. This series is about education and insight into how the real world works with the information that is available to them and how you can help cultivate and shape a powerful, personal brand online. Your digital identity defines who you are…

The Socialization of Your Personal Brand – Part II

Source Part two of a three-part series… Defining Your Online Persona The Social Economy is defined by the exchange of ideas and information online, and in the real world, and is indexed by the dividends earned through new opportunities and alliances. Relationships are the new currency of the Social Economy as they fuel and extend interaction, insight, and loyalty, and in turn, contribute to the social capital of the individuals who actively invest in their personal branding portfolio. In the…

PR 2.0: Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

Have you ever met someone so energetic, positive and incredibly smart – someone who exudes passion and someone who “gets it” in an inspirational way? I’m lucky to know one such person, Deirdre Breakenridge, and she has just published a new, must-read book, PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences. I’m honored to have my ideas, philosophies, experiences, and vision shared throughout the book. I’m even more humbled to have been asked to contribute the foreword. PR 2.0, as…

PR 2.0 = The Evolution of PR, Nothing Less, Nothing More

Source There are many of us running back and forth from the edge to the center who would love to drop “2.0” from new evolution of PR. Hey, it’s even the name of this blog, and has been for years, but there’s a reason I haven’t changed the name yet. The subject itself is a catalyst for healthy, informative, and motivating conversations. I was reminded of this as good friend Kami Huyse shouted on Twitter recently, “I hate PR 2.0…

Discovering and Listening to Conversations in Twitter

We all know Twitter is an essential example of the conversations that help define Social Media. What if we could find the conversations that were important to us, even if we don’t follow the people engaged in those conversations? I think it would transform one of the hottest conversation-based communities on the Web into a goldmine of information and and catalyst for forging new relationships. In August 2007, I wrote about a public discussion including Chris Messina, Stowe Boyd, and…

Cultural Voyeurism and Social Media

Sociology – The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society. About a year ago, I wrote an article entitled “Social Media is About Sociology and not Technology.” The recognition of people versus the tools is now more critical than ever. Although, it still isn’t necessarily embodied in many of the words and work shared by fellow Social Media Marketers. Less talk, more learning and action are required. There’s no…

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