Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: lift

Your Online Behavior Funds a Social Currency and Creates a Digital Credit Score

Your Online Behavior Funds a Social Currency and Creates a Digital Credit Score

The Black Mirror “Nosedive” episode is a very real depiction of a possible future of our digital and physical worlds. In fact, there are semblances of it forming in China right now. How you use social media can be collected into a social credit score. Your rating on Uber or Lyft aren’t the only systems tracking your digital behavior and transactions. What you create and curate, what you do, what you say, what you don’t say, who you know, can…

The Future of Brand is Experienced and Shared

The Future of Brand is Experienced and Shared

That one time I was in Genève… What a wonderful way to start any sentence. Shortly after X: The Experience When Business Meets Design launched, I was invited by my good friend Arnaud Grobet to visit Genève. The trip was meant to serve as a mini book tour, with two speaking engagements at LIFT (one of my favorite events), media interviews and also a vist to CREA University to speak to students. Any time I have a chance to speak with…

A Conversation About You, Social Currency and Social Capital

In February 2011, I have the privilege to speak at the lift conference in Geneva. But this isn’t about the conference as much as it is about an important subject that I’ve been asked to address. While this idea is nothing new to economists, theorists, futurists and other intellectuals around the world, my focus is on those who are unfamiliar with the role they play in an underground, but vital economy. I’m going to explore the undercurrent of social economics,…