Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: Karen Roby

TechRepublic: When It Comes to Digital transformation in a Time of Crisis,  It’s Time to Invent the Future We Want

TechRepublic: When It Comes to Digital transformation in a Time of Crisis, It’s Time to Invent the Future We Want

TechRepublic’s Karen Roby talked with analyst Brian Solis about the impact of COVID-19 on digital transformation. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation. Karen Roby: Brian, you’ve added a new title, which I think is really interesting, we can talk a little bit about, global innovation evangelist for Salesforce. What does that mean? Brian Solis: It means that I have to look at all of the trends happening in the market and essentially try to make sense of…

How COVID-19 and the “Novel Economy” is changing the way customers respond to businesses

How COVID-19 and the “Novel Economy” is changing the way customers respond to businesses

TechRepublic’s Karen Roby spoke with Brian Solis, global innovation evangelist at Salesforce and bestselling author of several books, about what he calls Generation N and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected business. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation.  Karen Roby: How our lives have changed since we last talked! This is why I was really glad to talk to you today, because Generation N! This is a concept I want you to explain, and tell everybody,…

Digital transformation: Inventing the Future We Want

Digital transformation: Inventing the Future We Want

Karen Roby is a long-time friend and also a reporter for TechRepublic/CBS Interactive. Every now and then, we spend time together exploring the future of digital transformation and innovation. After I joined Salesforce, she invited me on her show to talk about my new areas of research and thought leadership. I wanted to share our conversation with you here. TechRepublic’s Karen Roby talked with analyst Brian Solis about the impact of COVID-19 on digital transformation. The following is an edited…

2020 Enterprise Technology Trends: Digital Transformation, AI, Cognitive Automation and Quantum Computing

2020 Enterprise Technology Trends: Digital Transformation, AI, Cognitive Automation and Quantum Computing

Karen Roby is a veteran reporter for TechRepublic and ZDNet. Every so often, we get together to talk the latest tech trends and explore how organizations can successfully navigate their path forward. In our latest conversation, we talk about the state of digital transformation, quantum computing, customer experience, and enterprise innovation. Please watch the video here. Full article here. Analyst Brian Solis explains why he is also excited about quantum computing, cognitive automation, and robotic process automation. Karen Roby: You…

Align Digital Transformation with Business Modernization to Compete for the Future

Align Digital Transformation with Business Modernization to Compete for the Future

Digital transformation is more important now than ever, but some organizations are more difficult to change than others. I love it whenI get to join Karen Roby on her TechRepublic show. Each time, we discuss leading business technology news and trends and I honestly geek out each time. In our latest episode, we explore the hurdles facing organizations and how to overcome them as they go through digital transformation. We also explore some highlights from the Salesforce Dreamforce 2019 event….

Digital Transformation: Executives Need a Sense of Urgency to Compete Against Digital Natives

Digital Transformation: Executives Need a Sense of Urgency to Compete Against Digital Natives

Note: Please subscribe to my new feed here and unsubscribe from the old feed. Digital transformation is one of those trends that everyone is talking about, but few can pinpoint exactly what it means and why it’s business critical. Yet, it’s the very catalyst that puts companies on a path to business modernization. Companies need a sense of urgency. This is the conversation I had with TechRepublic’s Karen Roby. We discussed the changes shaping digital transformation, including operational models and the…

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