Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: investment

PhocusWire: Quote of the Week

PhocusWire: Quote of the Week

Analytics app PhocusWire recently chose a quote from Brian Solis as their Quote Of The Week, which he originally shared during an interview with the blog earlier that week. Excerpt: Innovation right now, unfortunately, and customer experience, are looked upon as cost centers when in fact they are investments in the future. Read entire article at PhocusWire

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn of Entrepreneurship

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn of Entrepreneurship

Understanding the investment process in Silicon Valley used to require membership to a very exclusive club of investors, plugged-in media and experienced entrepreneurs. Adeo Ressi sought to change that. After starting seven successful companies that created over $2 billion in shareholder value he was faced with diminishing equity with each new company he would start. In 2007, Ressi unveiled the anonymously backed in 2007 to shine a light on the situation to improve the human and financial relationships between…

ROI: How to Measure Return on Investment in Social Media

What follows is the entire version of my recent post on Mashable, “The Maturation of Social Media ROI“ Over the years, Social Media experts attempted to redefine ROI for a new era of influence. While some introduced alternative philosophies for measuring the nuances tied to social media, others wondered aloud whether ROI simply wasnā€™t necessary as the tools and methodologies for analyzing yields didnā€™t yet exist. And furthermore, by focusing on justification and metrics, we were distracted from the primary…

Twitter Inspires a Dedicated and Thriving Startup Economy

Twitter continues to amaze us. Its constantly evolving examples of change and connectivity persevere and reinforce how the “little microblog that could” is transforming media and communications while also silencing the most dubious of critics. At the same time, I’m confident that through our pioneering efforts and innovativeĀ  developments, we also continue to amaze the team behind Twitter itself. As Jack Dorsey shared in his keynote today at the 140 Characters Conference in New York, “Expect the unexpected. Sometimes, be…

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