This is a time for new leadership… In March 2020, we became a digital-first world. We didn’t really have a choice otherwise. Everything changed overnight. We had to figure out how to keep up. We had to learn how to adapt. We’re still learning. We’re still trying to figure out what new role we’re supposed to play in this new future. As leaders, it’s not just about leading the accelerated digital transformation for our companies. It’s also about understanding and…
LEADERS Magazine: Digital Darwinism – An Interview with Brian Solis
via LEADERS Magazine – April, May, June 2022 – Volume 45 Number 2 ISSUU digital magazine version | Web version | PDF Digital Darwinism: An Interview with Brian Solis, Global Innovation Evangelist, Salesforce EDITORS’ NOTE Brian Solis is a world-renowned digital anthropologist and futurist who serves as Global Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce. Solis is also an eight-time best-selling author and international keynote speaker. Forbes has called him “one of the more creative and brilliant business minds of our time,” ZDNet said that Solis is “one of the…
The Art of Life(SCALING) and the Importance of Digital Welness
Excited to share this with you! I joined the “Art of the Possible” podcast with Dan Morrison and Rob Page. During our awesome conversation, we explored the evolving world of tech, where we are going as a society as a result, and the impact of digital on us as human beings. We also review ways we can be more intentional in our relationships with devices, networks, and apps for improved digital wellness, self care, and happiness. 🤳 Please listen and…
Webinar: Digital Wellness for a Remote Workforce and the Role of IT
With the haste to roll out additional technology to support remote work and an expectation for employees to rapidly adopt that technology, there can be complaints and consequences as it relates to tech adoption. Quartz research points to three key consequences: • Productivity distractions – constant pings from colleagues and context switching between apps • Perpetual connectivity – the need to be “always on” • Decision fatigue – an overwhelming array of tools and systems Each of these consequences of…