Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: dayabaran

WebGuild Hosts SEO for Web 2.0 at Google HQ

Daya Baran, president of WebGuild, let me know about an event that they are hosting on November 29 at Google. Event focus: * How web 2.0 companies can increase their traffic and ranking using search engines. * Why all content can’t be tucked away behind a membership login? * How to open up internal data to the search engines without compromising user privacy? * Structural barriers limiting indexability and maximizing the spiderability of web sites. Event description: Web 2.0 is…

This Thursday, WebGuild’s Annual Conference – Web 2.0, The New Web

I’m going through my calendar of upcoming events, and it looks like I’ll have time to make it to the WebGuild 2006 Annual Conference: Web 2.0 – The New Web. Since I am not invited to O’Reily’s Web 2.0 conference (like the rest of us), I’ve decided to attend the WebGuild event, especially since much of the content and speaker line-up is similar – not to mention the vast contrast in price, $239 compared to roughly $3,200. This event is…