Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: crypto

Web3.1 Keynote: The Promise of Web3

Web3.1 Keynote: The Promise of Web3

via Chris Heuer, founder, Web 3.1 – Please join us in building our Web 3.1 community, and designing the organization which we will co- own together on Wednesday April 6, 2022 at Beyond Web 3.1. A highlight of the Web 3.1 Leadership Summit was the keynote from Brian Solis, a renowned author and innovation leader at Salesforce. In his live kickoff, he spoke about where we are and where we need to be, to leave the world better off than…

Web3 sets the stage for challenger and legacy businesses to create new economic value and transform consumers into investors

Web3 sets the stage for challenger and legacy businesses to create new economic value and transform consumers into investors

Beyond the hype, Web 3.0 is creating opportunities for incumbent and emerging businesses to reimagine operational models and products/assets that are open, collaborative, and collective. The same could also be true for governments. The difference with Web3 and previous incarnations of internet protocols models is that platforms are decentralized, open and ubiquitous, connected by trustless networks, and powered by encrypted, accountable distributed ledgers. Think Facebook or Google owning and monetizing content and data versus users. In these applications, user engagement and attention…

Facebook Bets on Libra, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Facebook Bets on Libra, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Facebook Inc. unveiled plans to launch Libra, a payment system it describes as “global currency” that’s based on blockchain, the same technology powering bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It’s backed by real assets and attached to stable government securities. I’ve heard that more than two dozen corporate partners are on board, including financial behemoths MasterCard, Visa, PayPal and Coinbase. With partners contributing membership fees of $10 million each, Facebook’s goal is to line up a total of 100 corporate partners and…