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Tag: Claude 3

AInsights: Anthropic Releases Claude 3, ChatGPT Reads Aloud, New Sora Videos Astonish, Sam Altman Return to OpenAI’s Board

AInsights: Anthropic Releases Claude 3, ChatGPT Reads Aloud, New Sora Videos Astonish, Sam Altman Return to OpenAI’s Board

AInsights: Executive-level insights on the latest in generative AI… Please subscribe to AInsights. Please also subscribe to my master newsletter, a Quantum of Solis. Anthropic announced Claude 3, setting new industry benchmarks in reasoning, math, coding, multilingual understanding, and vision Anthropic’s next generation AI models, Claude 3 Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku, are now available and appear to surpass OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4 performance. Opus and Sonnet are accessible in its API,  enabling developers to start using these models immediately. Sonnet is…

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