Does it feel like robots are coming for your job? That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. There is one thing that always differentiates us: our humanity. f you’re like most people, you probably think there’s a good chance that artificial intelligence (AI) or automation will significantly impact the global job market. Yet surveys show that most of us think these disruptive technologies are primarily going to affect someone else — someone with a skill set or an educational background that…
Brian Solis Is Quoted in a Publico Article About “Changing the World from your Smartphone”
Solis is mentioned in reference to a applications that are being created via a new trend of “microvolunteering,” a part of online volunteering, where people can access websites or install mobile apps to help, sporadically, in minutes. Solis is referred to as “one of the researchers who care about the trend of “slacktivism.” Translated from Portuguese, he says, “Shares and likes do not cause change by itself. We all believe we are triggering change because we say, do, or share…