Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: capgemini

Digital Transformation Must Lead to Business Transformation: An Interview with Didier Bonnet of CapGemini Consulting

Digital Transformation Must Lead to Business Transformation: An Interview with Didier Bonnet of CapGemini Consulting

Who owns digital transformation within your organization? Is it the C-Suite, marketing, IT, HR? Itā€™s now essential for all stakeholders ā€“ no matter their level or role ā€“ to become acquainted in the purpose of digital technology if orgs are to succeed in this new economy. We live in an era of digital Darwinism. As technology and society evolve, all organizations must also adapt how they operate and compete. To do so however, requires much more than digital transformation and…

Why Customer Experience is The Catalyst for Digital Transformation

Why Customer Experience is The Catalyst for Digital Transformation

As a digital analyst, I spend a lot of his time thinking about the future of customer experience. So much so that my next book attempts to rethink the term “experience,” X:The Experience of Business Meets Design. “X” explores experience architecture the various ways companies can design meaningful and shareable experiences in every moment of truth. I recently spent time with the team at VisionCritical as part of the prep for its their upcoming conference in Chicago,Ā  2015 Vision Critical…

Digital Transformation is About Empathy First and Technology Second

Digital Transformation is About Empathy First and Technology Second

Every day, there’s seemingly yet another disruptive trend that emerges out of nowhere which affects consumer behavior and the future of everything along with it. Many of you already follow some of the most notable trends disrupting markets today and I know you’re devising new strategies as a result in order to compete in these ever shifting markets. – Real Time – Social Media- Mobile – Sharing Economy – Peer-to-Peer Economy – Maker Economy – Internet of Things – Crowd…

Pivot: The Emergence of Digital Compels Businesses to Transform

Guest post by Mike Edelhart, co-producer and CEO of The Pivot Conference (@pivotcon) Historic shifts in business fundamentals donā€™t occur smoothly; rather they happen in sudden, sharp shifts which open unexpected chasms companies must traverse or plunge. Today, the deep change in human behavior brought about by the emergence of social media marks the latest such shift, perhaps the most dramatic since the Industrial Revolution. Gone are the traditional success factors of operational efficiency and price advantage being uprooted by…

Digital Transformation and the Race Against Digital Darwinism

Digital Transformation and the Race Against Digital Darwinism

Digital Darwinism is a fate that threatens most organizations in almost every industry. Because of this, businesses not only have to compete for today but also for the unforeseeable future. Digital Darwinism is the phenomenon when technology and society evolve faster than an organization can adapt. There are many reasons for this of course. Every fabric of a company is strained due to internal and external influences. The challenge lies amongst the very leaders running the show today. Their mission…