Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: buzzshout

SF Beta Video Interviews

As part of the continuing saga of video interviews with the latest players in tech, Alison McNeil, Jeff Smith and the rest of the PR2.0 crew headed up to SF Beta to hear poetry? Yes, it’s true. No demos this time…just Haiku. Presenters included: Meetro (Vinnie Lauria / VP) CivicEvolution (Brian Sullivan / Founder) Rooftop Comedy (Will Rogers / Co-Founder) ShopCastTV (Eric Swan / Founder) The Forbin Group (Cindy Phung / Worker Bee) BuzzShout (James Yu / Co-Founder) Diigo (Maggie…

Web Two Oh Chronicles – November SF NewTech Meetup

Organized by Joel Sacks, CNET and Marketing Strategist at BuzzShout, and Myles Weissleder, SF NewTech Meetup celebrated yet another new milestone of over 600 members. The November SF NewTech seemed to come up pretty quickly this time. And, it rained again (October’s event greeted us with rain as well) – let’s hope this isn’t a pattern! As usual Myles kicked things off to what had to be the largest turnout yet. The event attracted the usual faces, with some new…

October 2006 SF Beta Web 2.0 Mixer

Photo Credit: Beau Liening Grab a bottle of bubbles at your local Longs or RiteAid, get outside and commence blowing. Try to make one very big bubble, gander, marvel at its size, call all of your friends to see it, and then, pop. Pop? That’s so 1.0. Now, do it again…but, be careful…don’t let this one pop. Instead of filling it with air, try injecting a bit of hope and enthusiasm into each blow. Nice work….I can see the beginnings…

Live from DEMOfall 2006 9/24

It’s 9/24, and DEMO is about to launch. In fact, I’m already in San Diego and we just finished-up our rehearsal. In case you have never been to a DEMO event, they’re technically “THE” launchpad for many, many leading companies, includuing Palm, HandSpring, and eTrade. Presenters have only six minutes to present their company and new product/service in front of the industry’s most prominent players. I will post updates and photos from the show here , so check back daily….

Beta: The San Francisco Web 2.0 Meetup/Launch Party

Written by Alison McNeill I attended the launch party for Beta’s Web 2.0 Meetup in San Francisco. Christian Perry, founder and CEO of Zaptix, put the whole thing together and it was held in the heart of downtown at the Bar of Contemporary Art (boca). Funny thing though, I didn’t see any art. I was able to talk with Christian beforehand and ask him about his motivation for the event: Q: What’s the inspiration for BETA? A: San Francisco lacked…

STIRR 1.5 – I prefer my networking events stirred, not shaken

The August STIRR mixer was held last night at Blue Chalk in Palo Alto and it was a HOT event – literally. No A/C on a hot August night…but still, the place was packed until the very end. Photo Credit: Ian Kennedy This was STIRR’s fifth event and appeared to be its biggest to date. What sets STIRR apart is that it is an effective mix of “live” social and business networking among a highly qualified crowd of tech innovators,…