Vic Podcaster from HotFromSiliconValley invited me to a short and sweet podcast while attending the STIRR Mixer at BlueChalk in Palo Alto on Wednesday night. (Scroll down to August 10th at the Hotfromsiliconvalley site.) Vic is a great guy and one of the more popular attendees of the event. Topics included FutureWorks and the agency’s philsophies, PR2.0 the blog and my views on Web 2.0. Thanks Vic for including me on your show! Until next time.. You can hear the…
Crunch This! Arrington Launches CrunchGear to Expand Online Media Empire
In about a year, Michael Arrington has risen to fame and fortune through TechCrunch covering Web 2.0 startups while aligning himself with some of the most influential people in the industry. Now he is among the most influential in the industry… A couple of weeks ago, he launched CrunchBoard to help companies and jobseekers connect and yesterday, he officially launched CrunchGear, which, according to Arrington, “will look like something between a pure blog and CNET Reviews.” Arrington continued in his…
Vocus Acquires PRWeb – PR 1.0 + PR 2.0 = New Media Relations
…well that’s until New Media Relations becomes PR and the next big thing becomes NMR. Today, Vocus announced that it acquired PRWeb. Now things are getting very interesting! Thanks to Jason Baptiste, co-founder of Weblogwire for sending along the information. Hey Jason, keep up the visibility and the PR for the PR! Maybe you’re next…. Vocus snagged PRWeb (an alternative news and information distribution service) for its proprietary SEO tools and team of specialized editors that deliver a unique level…
August Silicon Valley New Tech Meetup
I attended the Silicon Valley NewTech meetup this week at the new DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Gary offices in “East” Palo Alto. Part of the new batch of technology networking events, SVNT spotlights new and and cool tech and Web 2.0 companies for an audience comprised of programmers, VCs, engineers, CxOs, VPs, and marketing professionals. The event was founded by Vincent Lauria, VP of Products for Meetro, a location-aware IM client. A recent transplant from NY, he is also the…
My Article on Blogger Relations Posted on Forward Moving Today
Blogging has grown to become a great “disruptor” for PR. For those who are unfamiliar with the clout many blogs carry today, it has substantially grown from random musings, personal experiences, and op eds to full blown reporting across every category you could imagine. Some have even become rock stars in their own right, with PR associates tripping over themselves trying to get their attention. Please jump to Forward for the rest of the article. Enjoy… Please vote at NewPR!…
On Air with "For Immediate Release" Regarding New Press Release Template
On Monday, I joined Shel Holtz on his popular For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast for his ongoing series regarding the New Media Release (NMR) lead by Chris Heuer of BrainJams and Tom Foremski of Silicon Valley Watcher (one of the most influential blogs in the U.S.). The podcast is available online at The series was inspired by Tom Foremski’s original post, Die Press Release, Die Die Die, where he tells the PR industry that things cannot go along as…
Rocketboom Tears Down the Wall (Map)
Yesterday on Rocketboom, host Joanne Colan surprised us with her closing statement, or actions rather, by turning around and ripping down the famous wall map that has served as the backdrop faithfully since episode one. Yes, we knew that this was inevitable – especially since this is Rocketboom 2.0. News? Hardly. Fun? Sure. The interesting thing here however, is that they claim to be responding to growing viewer complaints that the map needed to go. And even more interesting, was…
More Evidence the Web is the New Casting Couch – Thanks to YouTube
As the world turns, these are the days of pilots that don’t get picked up until they make the rounds on YouTube and convince studio executives to give it another shot, using the web as a tool to create buzz prior to the debut of the next six episodes. Deep breath…exhale. Nobody’s Watching is a pilot created for WB about two young sitcom fans who end up in a reality show that covers their day-to-day progress on creating their own…
Intel Introduces New Core 2 Duo Processors
Today I had the opportunity to attend Intel’s launch for its new Core 2 Duo processors. It had the “humbled,” yet significant importance, in my opinion, as the launch of the orginal Pentium chip, while still tapping into the power of next gen media. It was fun, exciting, beautifully decorated, and more importantly, PACKED with everyone that matters in tech influence. The event celebrated the launch of the company’s new processor that runs faster, but uses a lot less power….
Zero to 60 in 2.5 Seconds
Recently, the fastest, most expensive production car on the market was unveiled in Los Angeles — the 2006 Bugatti Veyron 16.4. At $1.3 million, it will be available to only the elite (many of whom probably reside in Silicon Valley). Don’t be surprised if you see this bad boy on Sand Hill Rd. or Santana Row. It’s definitely not for the weak of heart. The Veyron has a top speed of 250 mph and launches from zero to 60 in…