Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: attention

Why Creativity Is the Superpower Marketers Need in the Age of AI

Why Creativity Is the Superpower Marketers Need in the Age of AI

Earlier this year, I was invited to keynote the Asia Pacific Media Forum (APMF) in Bali. What a privilege it was not only to keynote such a prestigious event, but also visit the magical country of Bali…for the first time! (video is included at the end) The team shared pictures and video from the event, and in the spirit of sharing, I’d like to also share it with you. Make.Your.Mark. In a world reshaped by digital disruption and shifting consumer…

Technology, Adaptation, and the Future of Employee Experience with Nathalie Nahai

Technology, Adaptation, and the Future of Employee Experience with Nathalie Nahai

My dear friend Nathalie Nahai invited me on her popular podcast, The Hive, to discuss her new book and the future of tech, resilience, and leadership. I’d like to share that conversation with you here. Today I speak with the inimitable Brian Solis, a world-renowned digital anthropologist and futurist. An award-winning author and global keynote speaker, Brian’s research, advisory and presentations humanise the relationship between disruptive innovation and its impact on institutions, markets and societies. He not only helps audiences…

The Embrace: Creating Experiences that Nurture Attention into Engagement

The Embrace: Creating Experiences that Nurture Attention into Engagement

Attention is a currency. We spend it. We earn it. And, sometimes we waste it. Experience is something special. It’s all the rage at the moment, yet, we often talk about it as is if it’s a thing. But, as we know, deep down, the best things in life aren’t things, they’re experiences. One of things that makes it so hard to make experience a strategic and actionable part of our work is that the word “experience” means so many…

The A.R.T. of Engagement and the Gift of Attention

After I presented at the ClickZ Live event in Chicago, I went back stage to share highlights of my talk with those who couldn’t be there. Among the many different topics I speak about at conferences, ClickZ asked me to focus on the future of marketing. At the time, I was still writing X and wanted to share complete concepts that served as its foundation. In this short 2 minute video, I share my ideas around experience architecture, the A.R.T. of…

Attention is a Gift: Once you have my attention, why should I care?

Attention is a Gift: Once you have my attention, why should I care?

I’m frustrated that my worth is measured more by the numbers of followers, views or visitors that I have and not the merit or impact of my work. You too must start to feel discontent when it comes to your work being judged on hollow numbers alone. The ability to cause effect or change behavior is true influence and that’s the core of what we stand for. Numbers do not mean much. Without purpose and intention, our work becomes part…

Attention is a Precious Commodity: Earn it and Spend it Wisely

There’s an oft-shared quote that I’d also love to share with you here, “If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter.”  French mathematician, physicist, writer and philosopher Blaise Pascal essentially captured the essence of thoughtful and purposeful communication with a bold but confusing statement in 1657. At first blush, his words almost seem counter-intuitive. I mean after all, how can spending more time writing a letter equate to its downsizing? That’s the point. Think about…

Is the Golden Age of tech blogging over?

My colleague Jeremiah Owyang sure ruffled some feathers with his post claiming that the Golden Age of tech blogging is over. Aside from being a mentor and a tireless analyst, he’s also a long-time blogger. His words over the years helped blaze the trail for blogging and ultimately the micromedia bonanza that he believes is contributing to the erosion of long-form social prose. In his article, he quotes good friends Loic Lemeur, Ben Metcalfe, Ben Parr, Francine Hardaway, Chris Heuer…

Video: Facebook as an Advertising Medium + Media A.D.D.

In part two of a series of conversations discussing the state and future of social media with Chris Beck, founder of 26dottwo (@26dottwo), we review the viability of Facebook as an advertising platform. The discussion brings up elements introduced in my recent post introducing the concept of The Last Mile and how everything begins with the First Mile. We also review the ever-thinning attention span (Media A.D.D.) and ideas introduced in Part Two of the Hybrid Theory Manifesto. This series…

The Evolution of A New Trust Economy

Source: Shutterstock (edited) Social Media is rooted in relationships, the dynamic interaction and collaboration between real people. We learned and continue to learn how to communicate in public forums, evolving our personal views on privacy and uncertainty as we transform from digital introverts to social extroverts. This is our industrial revolution and its reward for participation is relevance. The socialization of online societies democratized the publishing industry and equalized influence. The Social Economy Socialnomics is the study of what I…

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