Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

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26 Disruptive Tech Trends for 2016 – 2018

26 Disruptive Tech Trends for 2016 – 2018

Each year at this time, I read all of the predictions for the new year plus the “top X” lists wrapping out the previous year. Add to that the first week of chaos that is CES and all of the new tech debuting in Las Vegas. And each year, I’m left wanting more substance as I plan my research. So, in 2015, I officially threw my hat into the mix with my inaugural look at “25 Disruptive Technology Trends in 2015 –…

ContextMatters Episode 1: Uber, Microsoft HoloLens and Why “Women Shouldn’t Code”

ContextMatters Episode 1: Uber, Microsoft HoloLens and Why “Women Shouldn’t Code”

I’m proud to introduce you to “Context Matters,” a new podcast hosted by my good friend Chris Saad and yours truly. This is a long time in the making and we finally committed to this series as a long-term program. Context Matters explores discussions at the intersection of business, technology and culture. My co-host, Chris Saad (@ChrisSaad) is a geek at heart and a long-time player in the startup community. Saad the co-founder of The Echo Experience Studio and spends…

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