The following report is brought to you by the Pivot Conference taking place in New York on October 15-16, 2012. You can download a full copy of the report for free by clicking here. At the end of 2011, Social marketing stands at a profound crossroads. Some organizations are finally embracing the importance of social networks and, as a result, increasing investments in creative engagement, marketing, and service programs. Others see the future value, but lag behind in execution. At…
A Conversation about 2011 – 2012 Trends in Social Media
While attending LeWeb in Paris, I caught up with the 99Faces crew to discuss trends in social media for 2011 and 2012. Among the many topics we touch, we spent a fair amount of time exploring the evolving influence of social media on… – Mainstream lifestyle and culture – The rise of curation – Elevating the importance of transparency and engagement between businesses and customers – Businesses dynamics and the need to open the doors between silos – Politics and…
Research Report: Constellationâs Research Outlook For 2011
As an advisor to the Constellation Group, I am reposting the team’s first joint research report here. It offers a glimpse of the hurdles and opportunities organizations will face in 2011 and beyond… Organizations Seek Measurable Results In Disruptive Tech, Next Gen Business, And Legacy Optimization Projects For 2011 Enterprise leaders seek pragmatic, creative, and disruptive solutions that achieve both profitability and market differentiation. Cutting through the hype and buzz of the latest consumer tech innovations and disruptive technologies, Constellation…
How Twitter is Changing: A new study reveals Twitter’s new direction
2010 will be forever commemorated as the year Twitter matured from a cool but undecided teenager into a more confident and assertive young adult. While there’s still much room to mature and develop, Twitter’s new direction is crystallizing. With a new look, Dick Costolo as the new CEO, and an oversold new advertising platform, Twitter is growing into something not yet fully identifiable, but formidable nonetheless. At a minimum, Twitter is an extension of each one of us. It feeds…