Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

A Conversation about 2011 – 2012 Trends in Social Media

While attending LeWeb in Paris, I caught up with the 99Faces crew to discuss trends in social media for 2011 and 2012.

Among the many topics we touch, we spent a fair amount of time exploring the evolving influence of social media on…

– Mainstream lifestyle and culture
– The rise of curation
– Elevating the importance of transparency and engagement between businesses and customers
– Businesses dynamics and the need to open the doors between silos
– Politics and organizing the “brilliance” of the crowds

I hope you enjoy the discussion!

Brian Solis at LeWeb about Trends in Social Media 2011 from 99FACES on Vimeo.

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The New ENGAGE!: If you’re looking to FIND answers in social media and not short cuts, consider either the Deluxe or Paperback edition

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15 COMMENTS ON THIS POST To “A Conversation about 2011 – 2012 Trends in Social Media”

  1. Seogeeker says:

    Exciting to see that social is going up in 2012 not down. Wonder when its peak will be?

  2. This is a FANTASTIC discussion.  I especially love the portion of brands picking up on the importance of listening to their customers.  The customer service model is changing that ivory tower “anti-social” approach of yesteryear is rapidly becoming an impossible way to sustain a brand image.  That behavior (still employed by many major-league companies) is so archaic and will be gone by 2012 for sure!  Well done! 

  3. Anedoss says:

     Brian, Spot on and you articulated your message to businesses so well.   The video discussion from LeWeb only reinforces to businesses that they need to integrate and transform now, because in about a year it will be too late to be considered ahead of the game.   Soon businesses will be part of the migration to transform because they have to anyway and at that point how much market share could be lost.    Keep reinforcing the the now.    Thank you and well done!

  4.  Thanks Brian, I totally agree, that social media is going to impact the real world more and more in the future

  5. Jeff smith says:

    I love the statement around brands “after several years of anti-social behavior” – EXACTLY!

    Isn’t it the case that the socialization of your brand WILL happen, the bigger question is whether you (as the business owner or marketing person/group) are leading, a part, or even aware of it? 

    Several business people still look at social as an “option” instead of an evolution that will occur with our without them…exciting times indeed.  I buy very little online today without checking social feedback first. 

    Interesting video.


  6. Jeff smith says:

    I love the statement around brands “after several years of anti-social behavior” – EXACTLY!

    Isn’t it the case that the socialization of your brand WILL happen, the bigger question is whether you (as the business owner or marketing person/group) are leading, a part, or even aware of it? 

    Several business people still look at social as an “option” instead of an evolution that will occur with our without them…exciting times indeed.  I buy very little online today without checking social feedback first. 

    Interesting video.


  7. @briansolis:twitter it is such a humbling thought that anyone one of us can influence social change, through social media.
    It is also an empowering feeling to know that my voice along with my 4, 000 closest @twitter:twitter friends can influence others, brands, government officials and even world leaders. 

  8. Brian I loved the interview. Great insight on the upcoming trends.  

    Transparency I believe will be the driving force behind any business/brands’ success in this new age of social media.  What better way to open these doors of change than to embrace social media and take advantage of communicating  with consumers directly. This has been the main focus of our agency- To help clients engage in strategic dialogue with costumers in social media in all of its forms. 

  9. Brian, you really highlighted some important points about social media and businesses within this discussion!
    I agree that more people are starting to embed social media into their lifestyles, whether they are reviewing comments on a particular product before making a purchase, using a hashtag when texting, or exploring the Facebook profile of a potential employee, evidently social media is affecting what people do more and more.  

    The fact that more brands are using social media to engage with their customers is wonderful. A brand can establish a better relationship with their customers by listening to their customers and showing they care about what their customers value. I often wonder why some companies have not caught on to the benefits of using social media.  

    Thanks for the post!

  10. The way social media is become popular day by day no doubt it
    is going to be chief marketing strategy for every business entrepreneur in next
    one or two years.

  11. Great insight on where companies should focus their marketing efforts. Although companies slowly slowly try to increase resources on new media and communication tools, it looks like PR and Media Members community sill follows traditional communication methods.

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