Studying the impact of innovation on business and society Named To BizTech Magazine’s 50 Must-Read IT Blogs For 2012

Brian Solis’ blog ( has been named one of the top 50 must-read IT blogs for 2012 by BizTech Magazine. According to BizTech, “As an accomplished and recognizable business analyst for the Altimeter Group, Brian Solis has built a name for himself by calling it like it is…Solis effectively tackles everything from evaluating ROI in social media to collaboration — before the trends catch on.” explores the intersection of technology, culture, and business. It is among the world’s leading…

The 4 C’s of the Conversation Company: still a long road ahead for most companies

Guest post by Steven Van Belleghem (@steven_insites) One of the key challenges in the social business/conversation world is: how can companies honestly be customer-oriented. In my research, I learned that four pillars help companies to move forward in this challenge. These four dimensions are: Customer experience, Conversation management, Content marketing and Collaboration with clients. Customer Experience: people love to talk about your service and your products. It is the key driver of consumer conversations. Conversation: the story of my previous…

How the San Francisco Giants Hit a Home Run with Social Media

It wasn’t too long ago when sport industries were confounded by the openness of social media and the ability for fans and players to share experiences in real time. Now of course, times have changed and teams in every sporting league imaginable are experimenting with social media to improve relationships and experiences with fans. The San Francisco Giants are among the sports teams that are leading the way for a new genre of engagement and community building. 2010 was a…


Why? Why ask why? Why not? Why make excuses? Why ignore what it is that will help you stop making excuses? Why stay where your dreams are suffocated? Why would you settle for less than anything than you believe in? Why be unhappy when you could be appreciated for what makes you…you? Well, because it’s [seemingly] easier. But, it’s not who you really are… It takes courage to follow your dreams, courage most cannot find, but that’s why you are…

Are you connecting with your new generation of customers…Generation C?

As you’ll no doubt read here over and over again, social media is important to your business. If you don’t engage on Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube, you’ll eventually go out of business. At least that’s what the experts will have you believe. Fear tactics are not so much as effective in business or defining customer relationships as they are at creating a sense of [contrived] controversy. I must be honest with you however. While social media is indeed a game…

Sephora Gets a Digital Makeover to Attract Connected Customers

One of the challenges marketers and strategists face today is understanding the difference between a success story and an example that has true business impact. With every story and through our own experience, we are learning about the transformation companies are undertaking to migrate from social brands to social businesses. One of the emergent trends that we will soon be tracking is the move from social to experiential where social media plays only one part in the greater production of…

5 Ways Strategic Social Media Can Help Small Businesses

I often write about enterprise organizations and global brands…essentially big businesses. This is the first in a series dedicated to small businesses. One of the biggest misconceptions about social media strategy is that only the big brands and enterprise organizations can afford success. The impression is bigger businesses have unlimited resources, people and budgets to execute on all new ideas. This is simply not true. Like in anything, people are focused on their jobs as they exist and anything new…

Silicon Valley is Not a Place, It’s a Movement…and It Has a Story Behind the Story [video]

Silicon Valley is Not a Place, It’s a Movement…and It Has a Story Behind the Story [video]

Silicon Valley is a flashpoint for innovation and entrepreneurialism. But, what does Silicon Valley even mean these days? Silicon Valley technically spans the area in the southern San Francisco Bay Area including Santa Clara Valley, San Jose and southern East Bay. What Silicon Valley actually refers to in terms of geography seems moot in an economy when the idea of Silicon Valley is much bigger than the square miles it covers on a map. In reality, when people outside of…

The Internet vs. Facebook in 10 Years [infographic]

The Internet vs. Facebook in 10 Years [infographic]

When we take pause to appreciate where we are, we can truly appreciate just how far we’ve come. I recently stumbled across an interesting infographic as it made the rounds across the social web recently. Created by, the graphic visualizes the meteoric rise of the Internet in just 10 years. For example, in 2002, the Internet boasted 569 million users, which represented 9.1% of the world population. In 2012, that number skyrocketed to 2.27 billion at 33% of the…

Is Zuckerberg to blame for Facebook’s slumping stock?

As an analyst, that’s the questions that I’m asked over and over again. In fact it was the same question CNN recently asked in its story last week on Zuckerberg, Facebook, and Wall Street. It’s a fair question to ask and CNN’s Heather Kelly wrote a balanced and thoughtful piece on the subject. While it’s only one of many discussions likely to happen, the truth is that Facebook must focus on its business, employees, and now also investors…regardless of technicalities, follies,…

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