Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Plugging into the Future of Humanity: Exploring the Human API

I had the opportunity to present at LeWeb in Paris, arguably Europe’s largest conference dedicated to the future of technology. The theme of the conference explored the Internet of Things, where devices and things connect to one another to perform certain tasks and/or track activities to improve what we already do or make possible what we’re trying to do. The Internet of Things is bigger than we may realize. We are experiencing a shift from a world of inanimate objects…

San Jose Mercury News Seeks Commentary on Yahoo’s Tumblr Acquisition from Brian Solis

Brandon Bailey of The San Jose Mercury News covered the Tumblr Yahoo! deal and reached out to Brian Solis for his thoughts. Following is an excerpt… Many adults already use multiple services for different purposes, such as Facebook for friends, Twitter to follow celebrities and LinkedIn for professional contacts, said Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group. But when there are so many alternatives, he added, “Facebook is going to have to compete every day for our attention.” “We will…

Los Angeles Times and Brian Solis Analyze Yahoo’s $1 Billion Acquisition of Tumblr

Los Angeles Times and Brian Solis Analyze Yahoo’s $1 Billion Acquisition of Tumblr

Jessica Guynn of the Los Angeles Times covered Yahoo’s acquisition of Tumblr and reached out to Brian Solis for his thoughts. “Certainly Yahoo has a track record of taking cool and making it uncool,” said Altimeter Group analyst Brian Solis. “Marissa Mayer is trying to bring Yahoo’s brand appeal to a different type of audience. Yahoo sees this as a path to future relevance.”

Content is King! Amazon Invests Millions In Original TV Shows…But Why?

Content is King! Amazon Invests Millions In Original TV Shows…But Why?

My friend Tim Stenovec (@TimSteno) just published a great story on Amazon’s move to create original programming a la Netflix for The Huffington Post. He was kind enough to include me in his article (thank you Tim). He sent along a few questions as I was boarding my flight from NY to LA. As Tim was on deadline, I needed to send a thoughtful response as soon as I’d have the opportunity to turn my phone back on. The quote…

Tune in with Twitter TV

Tune in with Twitter TV

Have you ever watched TV while using a laptop, smart phone, or tablet? Wait, why am I asking. Of course you have. That’s what we all do now right? So I guess the real question to ask is how often do you use Twitter vs. Facebook while watching TV? In many ways, Twitter is becoming a bona fide second screen experience while watching television. And in many ways, TV may also serve as the second screen to those engrossed in…

Be a Tool: Properly Resource Your Enterprise for Social Media

Be a Tool: Properly Resource Your Enterprise for Social Media

Guest post by Danna Vetter, VP, Consumer Strategies, ARAMARK You’ve heard it all before. You do your research. You write the strategy. You set the goals and objectives. You train your community managers. You go live in two weeks. Facebook announces Timeline. You kick [insert EVERYTHING]. There is only one thing that can be done in situations such as these – control what you can control. As marketers, we have all come to rely on these external social platforms, of…

The Huffington Post Asks Brian Solis How Long Yahoo Can Hold On To Tumblr’s Teens

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer speaks during a news conference Monday, May 20, 2013, in New York. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II) Bianca Bosker of The Huffington Post asks Brian Solis if he believes Yahoo’s acquisition of Tumblr is a good investment…for teens. Yet some experts speculate that younger demographics may be more fickle than their parents or older peers. Not only do they have an ever-expanding selection of sites and services from which to choose, but these younger users are “more…

Forbes asks Brian Solis if Tumblr is Yahoo’s Next Big Mistake

Yahoo! acquired Tumblr for $1.1 billion (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife) Stuart Newman and Monique Lewis of Forbes reached out to Brian Solis to discuss the fate of Yahoo’s acquisition of Tumblr. The company is in good hands under Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s CEO since July 2012, according to Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group. She will aim to grow the company and on Yahoo’s Tumblr page went as far as to promise “not to screw it up.” As…

Getting Back to Basics: Why Brands are Getting it Wrong in Social Media

Getting Back to Basics: Why Brands are Getting it Wrong in Social Media

Question: What is your #1 advice for social media strategists and managers? Answer: Stop talking about social media Type “social media” into a Google search bar and you’ll find roughly about 4.7 billion results in .30 seconds. Next, try “social media conference.” You’ll see something along the lines of 1.2 billion results in .25 seconds. Social media is important but I’d argue we aren’t celebrating it for the reasons we should. Instead, we are forcing social media to conform to…

San Francisco Chronicle and Brian Solis See Tumblr as Yahoo’s Doorway to Younger Audiences

San Francisco Chronicle and Brian Solis See Tumblr as Yahoo’s Doorway to Younger Audiences

San Francisco Chronicle’s Benny Evangelista and Brian Solis review Yahoo’s acquisition of Tumblr as a venture to lure a younger crowd. Adding ‘coolness points’ This year, Yahoo paid $30 million to a British teenager who created a news aggregation app called Summly. But with Tumblr, Mayer is trying to add “coolness points” to a brand that “may have been viewed as the antithesis of cool,” said Brian Solis, principal analyst at San Mateo’s Altimeter Group and author of “What’s the…

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