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All Analytics Interviews Brian Solis on Making Business More Human


While in New York for Integrated Marketing Week, All Analytics spent a few moments with Brian Solis to hear his thoughts how marketers can stay competitive in the new digital economy.  Brian Solis, author of What’s the Future of Business and principal analyst at Altimeter Group, advocates going back to the basics: what customers think, believe and share with others. That, he says, may be the key to marketing principal analyst at Altimeter Group, advocates going back to the basics: what customers think, believe and share with others. That, he says, may be the key to marketing success.

Solis asks marketers to use data to find more meaningful insights about customers and urges us to look beyond metrics like sentiment analysis and instead focus on the customer’s values, experiences and emotions. Armed with this information, he says businesses can become more meaningful, more human and have more impact in peoples’ lives.

So what can marketers do to make it happen? And what benefits will they see? Watch this short video for the answers to these questions and much more.

ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “All Analytics Interviews Brian Solis on Making Business More Human”

  1. Buzz Shaper says:

    Dear Brian, thank you for the energy you’re investing in teaching us about the importance of proper data analytics all these years. The future IS already written in the past so we only need to learn where and how to look for the answers. You made really good points in such a short video! I strongly believe, though, that the key factor in building business more human is not just predicting fans’ behavior, but focusing on those highly engaged people who share the same values and beliefs as we do. They will create the passionate word of mouth that could easily infect their peers too.

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