Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Digital Media Summit/Canadian Music Week – Highlight Reel

Digital Media Summit/Canadian Music Week – Highlight Reel

Brian Solis was featured in the highlight reel of this year’s Digital Media Summit hosted during Canadian Music Week. His keynote conversation was both entertaining and informative, helping artists, labels, managers and marketers compete in a “mainstreaming” economy. You can watch his keynote with Ted Cohen here. :22 – Social media is narcissistic + rethinking technology to bring back artistry 2:16 – people are here to share and learn Bring Brian to your event!

Embracing the Audience: 5 Tips on Customer-Based Marketing

Embracing the Audience: 5 Tips on Customer-Based Marketing

After I presented at the Digital Media Summit in Toronto, Sylvia Ng, VP of Growth and Analytics at ScribbleLive, asked for an interview to discuss challenges and opportunities ahead for digital marketers. Following is her summary of our conversation. I wanted to share it with you here… In the midst of endless blogs, podcasts, tweets, instagrams, and snapchats, how does a brand or business get noticed? Creating a truly effective marketing campaign is about understanding your brand, and more importantly,…

PegaWORLD 2015 Keynote with @BrianSolis: Innovate or Die!

PegaWORLD 2015 Keynote with @BrianSolis: Innovate or Die!

via Sandy Kemsley, Enterprise Irregulars Brian Solis from Altimeter  Group was the starting keynote, talking about disruptive technology and how businesses can undergo digital transformation. One of the issues with companies and change is that executives don’t live the way the rest of us do, and have to think of the shareholders first, but may not have sufficient insight into how changing customer attitudes and the supporting technology will impact their profitability, or even their ability to survive. “A Kodak…

Millennials Matter, but Generation C is the Holy Grail

Alan E. Young discusses the importance of focusing on consumer interests and psychographics rather than demographics. In his eye-opening article, Young also discusses the significance of Generation-C coined by Brian Solis. Excerpt… Back in 2012 digital luminary Brian Solis coined the term ‘Generation C: The Connected Customer.’ It is the disruption of technology that has lead to Generation C. Not only are Millennials using their devices to shop and buy but almost every businessperson is also connected as are an…

Le Futur du Marketing n’est pas le Marketing

Isabelle Mathieu Avant de vous laisser découvrir mon résumé de l’intervention de Brian Solis, je souhaitais remercier Comexposium pour ce plateau extrêmement réussi et j’espère que la thématique « Be inspired » sera maintenue en 2016. Pour cette conférence dédiée au futur du marketing, Brian Solis parle de l’inadaptation du marketing actuel qui est tourné vers la création de campagnes pour des plateformes spécifiques et non pas pour les personnes auxquelles elles sont destinées. « Toutes ces nouvelles plateformes rassemblent les personnes, elles nous…

Brian Solis and Ted Cohen Rock Digital Media Summit During Canadian Music Week

Brian Solis had the privilege of both keynoting Digital Media Summit and being interviewed by the one and only Ted Cohen, a visionary in the digital entertainment industry. The duo discussed everything from the future of music, digital marketing to ISIS and how artists can thrive in an era of streaming music and declining royalty payouts. Watch the video below… It’s Time to Move on to Social Media 2.0 Social Media is part of popular culture and has become standard…

StatSocial Names The Top 100 Social Media Power Influencers For 2015

Who are the Top 100 Social Media Power Influencers for 2015? StatSocial’s list demonstrates the power of social media influencers by measuring the influence and interests of their real followers, not bots, that are active in social media across Twitter. The list of the top 100 social influencers, based on a measurement StatSocial calls “Pull,” measures two degrees of separation — the influence of the followers of an account and the connections of those following the followers. Brian Solis ranks…

Digital Business: Creating Amazing Customer Experiences

via Michael Wilson, Digital Business Transformation, Excerpt You have a passion for the customer. You know that improving the customer experience will make a difference. That is all well and good. Maybe the CEO agrees or maybe they have some other items on their agenda. You get a shot at making the case to improve the customer experience. You will probably have 5 to 10 minutes to make your case. How will you frame your message? What is important to…

1to1 Media: 5 Ways to Transform the Customer Service Experience

Judith Aquino writing for 1to1 tackled the ways businesses need to rethink the customer experience. In her story, she features thoughts by Brian Solis and highlights the need for businesses to measure the experiences people have and share compared to the brand and product promise. He notes that there’s always a divide and to what extent is ours to fix. Excerpt: When it comes to measuring the customer experience, companies may want to consider including the value of a shared…

No One Will Remember Your Failures; Everyone Will Remember Your Success

No One Will Remember Your Failures; Everyone Will Remember Your Success

No one will remember your failures, but everyone will remember your success. If they do bring up your failures and not your successes, question the value they bring into your world and move forward. We live in a time when disruption is happening to us or it can happen because of us. Sometimes the past holds us back and sometimes we let fear undermine our ideal future. But, this is the time to change the future. Think about it…what would…

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