Studying the impact of innovation on business and society 10 leaders du marketing Ă  suivre sur Twitter 10 leaders du marketing Ă  suivre sur Twitter

via emarketing.ft La rĂ©daction a sĂ©lectionnĂ© pour vous les dix personnalitĂ©s anglo-saxonnes incontournables du moment, qui ont rĂ©volutionnĂ© l’univers du marketing. Brian Solis est considĂ©rĂ© comme l’un des experts dans le domaine des nouveaux mĂ©dias. Analyste au sein d’Altimeter Group, Brian Solis dĂ©livre une vision claire de la convergence du marketing avec la communication et les mĂ©dias numĂ©riques. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages notamment The End of Business As Usual, Rewire the Way You Work to Succeed in the…

The New Marketing Contract and Why Context is the Future of Marketing

The New Marketing Contract and Why Context is the Future of Marketing

We live in a time of great technology evolution and revolution. Innovation is not only upon us; it affects, even disrupts, us as marketers and as consumers of other businesses. Your customers are more connected than ever before and they’re always on. The number of touchpoints between businesses and customers has exploded. Technology is everywhere and something new is always on the horizon. Wearables. Smart watches. The Internet of Things. Everything is changing. Indeed, today’s consumers are more empowered than…

SF Station: 30 Top SF Twitter Users To Follow

via Carlos Olin Montalvo, SF Station San Francisco is home to Twitter’s headquarters and some of the social network’s most active and interesting users, which makes for a robust list of local Twitter users to follow. The main office for the global short messaging platform is located near the Civic Center, and a decent chunk of its active, online users are located in SF as well. Twitter is the most effective tool for consuming real-time news, making it a great…

MarketingLand: Reach Your Maximum Potential With Intent Data

Via James Green, Marketing Land Just a few short years ago, the marketing industry was focused on understanding and leveraging the surplus of digital technologies rapidly being developed to help improve customer retention and acquisition. While marketers have made huge strides since the birth of e-commerce two decades ago, they’re still not utilizing the digital space to its full potential. Digital analyst Brian Solis found that while 88% of companies report undergoing a digital transformation, only 25% have mapped the digital customer journey and…

Today’s Digital Video Revolution & The Future of Brands

Today’s Digital Video Revolution & The Future of Brands

Guest post by Brendan Gahan (@BrendanGahan), a YouTube marketing expert helping Fortune 500 brands with their YouTube influencer and community building campaigns. He was named Forbes 30 Under 30 in Marketing & Advertising and one of the 25 Top YouTube Business Power Players for 2013. The past month there’s been a wealth of speculation in the blogosphere regarding livestreaming services Periscope and Meerkat. Who is going to win? Which platform will crush the other? Which app is the future of…

Sun Valley: Media Consolidation Is Coming, but After the Private Jets Leave

via Brent Lang, Variety Image via Scott Olson/Getty Images The ground may be moving under the feet of media and entertainment business, but the shifting tectonic plates didn’t result in any earth-shaking deals at the Allen & Co. conference in Sun Valley, Idaho. Unlike last year, when the annual gathering of moguls and billionaires unfolded as 21st Century Fox made a not-so-stealth play for Time Warner, no big deals have overshadowed the weeklong event. Well, there might be big deals,…

Retour sur la conférence de Brian SOLIS : 3 grands principes du marketing de demain

Retour sur la conférence de Brian SOLIS : 3 grands principes du marketing de demain

Se prĂ©sentant lui-mĂȘme comme un geek, attirĂ© par la technologie et la programmation, Brian SOLIS (son blog est consultable ici), Principal analyst chez ALTIMETER GROUP, nous a fait l’immense plaisir d’intervenir lors d’une visio-confĂ©rence organisĂ©e dans le cadre du MSc e-Business Manager de l’ISTA. Tenue au campus de la Fonderie Ă  Mulhouse, le thĂšme de l’échange Ă©tait le suivant : Vision prospective des rĂ©seaux sociaux. Retour sur 3 grands principes du marketing de demain

The Moment of Truth: Connected Customers and How to Re-Imagine Customer Experiences

And then one day, it happened. Customers changed. How they make decisions changed. What they value and how they want to do business changed. The funny thing is…we didn’t. Now we can and a new generation of technologies and services make it possible to not only react but lead customer experiences moving forward. To effectively compete in the digital economy, you are left with no choice; become customer-obsessed or lose! Every moment-of-truth counts when it comes to customer loyalty. For…

Brian Solis: The Future of Business. Innovate or Die

Earlier this year, Natascha Thomson interviewed Brian Solis about his book, What’s the Future of Business (WTF), at an event hosted by the Silicon Valley Innovation Center (SVIC). Here’s a sub-set of the questions addressed in the above video: Everybody seem to be talking about the Future of Work now. Are the future of work and the future of business the same thing? Another buzz word is user experience. I have seen social media professionals changing their actual titles to “Customer…

Using Big Data to Understand Small Moments of Truth

Using Big Data to Understand Small Moments of Truth

Guest post by Gib Bassett (@gibbassett), “Businesses today must invest in experiences because that’s what people want.” – Brian Solis So says Brian in this recent post. He goes on to qualify this statement further, saying people today simply don’t care about products, services or offers. What they desire and what they respond to with regularity are superior experiences. I don’t think this is limited to Millennials either – we are all being conditioned to have affinities for businesses…

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